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Levy's POV

"I- I love you, too, Shrimp."

My eyes flew to meet Gajeel's red gaze. A smile ripped across my face as he gave me his famous smirk. My heart filled with joy. I could hear Mira crying while Laxus laughed and Lucy awed. Juvia was giggling while Gray snorted.  But it was Bixlow who made my heart soar as he laughed, saying, "Damn babies! Shorty's love got the touch of life!"

"Gajeel!" I screamed and threw myself at him. The doctor beside me snapped something about not tearing his stitched and declared me an idiot, but I didn't care. Gajeel was okay.

*+*+*+*+*+*Time Skip*+*+*+*+*+*

My headphones blared, silencing the world around me as I sat on the bench in the hospital garden once more. I was singing with the music, not really paying attention to my surroundings. I loved this song. It made me think of my friends and that always got me to smile and right now I needed to smile.

It's been a week since the accident and Natsu is still in the ICU. He has yet to wake up. Lucy barely leaves his side. They're saying he might lose the sight in his left eye and maybe even the use of his arm on the same side. He's got seven broken bones, nineteen major cuts that needed serious stitches, and had to have a plate put in his head. He's lucky he even survived and isn't a vegetable. We know he's too stubborn to die though.

I sighed and replayed my song, singing along with a smile.

"You know, Gajeel would die if he heard you sing," a deep voice came from behind me making me jump.

"Oh, hi Rogue." I greeted the raven haired boy with a smile. "I don't sing often."

"You should." He looked away before speaking again, "Gajeel seems happy lately."


"He loves you, you know?"

"Rogue, I know the big guy loves me. What are you getting at?" I asked.

"A relationship with Gajeel won't be easy. He made quite a few enemies out of pretty powerful people." The boy sighed, "are you sure you want to deal with that?"

"When I said I loved him, I meant it whole heartedly. I'd fight a war for him if I had to." I laughed.

"Rogue, quit scaring my girl!" Gajeel's voice roared behind us. He looked pissed, but I couldn't help but laugh.

"Warning the poor creature of your not exactly friends is not an attempt to scare the almost fearless Levy." Rogue rolled his eyes in exasperation.

"Boys?" My voice rose to get their attention. "Shut up. You know I love you, Gajeel. Nothing can change that. Not even a concerned little brother."

"Gihi, I love you, Shrimp."

*+*+*+*+*+*Time Skip*+*+*+*+*+*


"Natsu's up." I heard Gajeel grumble as I buried my face deeper into his chest, not really wanting to get up. "Shrimp, you can't stay there forever, you know?"

"Says who?" I whined, my voice thick with sleep.

"The nurse, my father, and the school."

"Ugh." I drug myself from the edge of his hospital bed only to get tackled to the floor by a ball of pink and white.

"Oi, Salamander get off my Shrimp!"

"Your Shrimp?"

"Yes, MY Shrimp."

"Since when?"

"Since mind your own business!"

"Levs, are you for real dating Black Steel?"

"Well, technically, Gajeel never asked. Just declared me his. But I can't deny that I love the man." I laughed as Natsu gawked at us, before a thought occurred. "Natsu?"

"Yea, Lev?"

"Does anyone know you're here with us?"

"Huh, I guess not." And now I get to be evil Levy and use my dark aura. Natsu jumped away from me, whimpers escaping his throat. "Please don't hurt me!"

"You left your room without telling Lucy. I'm the least of your fears, buddy."

At that moment a shrill scream rang out in the hall, "NATSU DRAGNEEL, YOU STUPID JERK! WHERE ARE YOU?!"

I laughed as Lucy's chair appeared in the doorway. Even though the girl is paralyzed from the waist down, she was still incredibly scary when mad. Natsu yelped and hid behind me. "Don't kill me, Luce, you love me, remember?"

Just another day in the life of a Fairy Tail member, another day in my now brighter life and I just know the future's going to shine.

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