It's Complicated

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I remember the day I met you.

September 24.

It's been 177 days, 15 hours, and 32 minutes since then.

And I think I'm still in love.

I've talked to you three times.

Once, on Halloween

But I was interrupted and you left.

Thanks for telling me it was going to rain.

We talked again on Election Day.

I made a joke, but I can't recall what I said

You laughed and said I was funny.

And then, once again, only about a week later.

"Do you know anyone who still plays Pokémon Go?"

"No, but I used to play a lot"

We got into conversation quickly.

You told me what team you were on, although I already knew.

You wanted to hang out, but the only day you were free was the day I was busy.

We haven't talked since then.

And I wish I could go back in time

And change the way things were.

I wish I could go back and talk to you more.

I wish I could go back and ask for your number.

Maybe then I'd still have you.

But that doesn't really matter now, does it?

I think I've moved on.

I think there's someone else now.

And... he's perfect.

But, you keep popping in my mind

It's like my heart is telling me to let go

But my head just keeps refusing.

And, frankly, I want to let go.

I know it's never going to work out.

Nothing will ever change.

And I'll never forget what you did to me.

How you stood me up, and broke my heart.

A proper rejection would have been better, you know.

But every time I see you, I still get that fluttery feeling inside of me.

And every now and then, it fades.

My friends ask me if I'm over you.

I'm really not.

But I can't tell them that.

They don't know what it's like to be in love with someone who doesn't even remember your name.

The don't know what it's like to love and hate someone at the same time.

They don't know how complicated it all is.

That's all this is, really.

Just one of life's complications.

And I should be over it by now.

And I can't explain why I'm not.

It's too complicated.

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