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 The sweet smell of salt water filled her nostrils as she took a deep breath. The ocean water sprayed against her skin as the waves crashed against the rocks below. Rosalina had found a small little ledge, hidden from sight near the pub she went to last night where she'd dueled with that soldier.

He was a mighty fighter, she'd give him that, but she was better. Of course, he wouldn't know where she went. She'd probably never find him again if luck were on his side.

Her legs swung back and forth over the ledge, her arms resting at her sides as she looked up into the light, rainbow colored sky, the sun bright and shining just over the horizon. The stuffy tavern became trapping around her and she needed a small release. She couldn't have brought Jack. He'd have complained of how close she was to falling off the edge.

For such a cruel and evil pirate, he was like the big brother she never had. But gods be damned he was clingy. She knew of the vow he took years ago, and understood why he felt the need to follow through, but that didn't change how inconvenient it all was sometimes.

All she wanted was to relax tonight, and out there, with the ocean breeze blowing her new dreadlocks back, was where she was going to do just that. If only whoever was coming up the hill had stayed away. It was nearing 7 am and she'd already been here 2 hours, watching the sun rise when she felt the presence of another.

"Who are you and what are you doing here?" She smiled when she recognized the voice. Tilting her head to look over her shoulder, her eyes connected with Elias Keen.

"Seems luck is not on your side if we're to meet twice in one lifetime." She looked forwards, ignoring the sound of his blade unsheathing.

"I've been looking for you."

"And you found me! Purely by coincidence, I think. But it seems you found another sword as well." She said with a cheeky grin.

"I hereby place you under the custody of her majesty the queen." He said, pointing the sword at the back of her neck. She sighed in annoyance.

"What would you do if I jumped?" She asked, feeling Elias' eyes narrow at the back of her head.

"I'd get a rescue party for your corpse. Nothing survives those rocks." She chuckled and slowly stood, ignoring the cut his sword left on her neck at her sudden movement. She turned around, an amused, drunken smile on her lips.

"Then you wouldn't find that sword you want back." She said, reaching to her side.

"Don't move." He pushed the sword as a warning and she raised her hands up in surrender.

"Calm down there Mr. Rear Admiral. Just trust me." With an innocent grin and the speed of a cobra, she whipped out her rapier and swiped at the sword, pushing it away from her neck. With a soft chuckle she flipped her sword in her hand. "Seems you forget not to trust me." With feral eyes, she struck.

Her speed was unmatched and Elias could barely keep up. Their blades clashed and they came nose to nose with each other. "How did you find this place?" He growled, sweat dripping down his nose.

"I just wanted somewhere to relax." She told him, breaking the stance they were in. "And you ruined that." She swiped again, aiming for his chest. "I think you're just mad because you were waiting at the tavern for me." She laughed when he tensed. "I mean it makes sense; a thief always hunts in the same places. So why didn't I?" She asked mockingly. "Maybe it's because I'm not just a thief!"

Elias groaned as she used the handle of her rapier to punch him in the stomach. Recovering quickly, he brought his sword up to meet another clash. Her heavy breathing fanned his face, and he cringed at the strong smell of alcohol. She was drunk, he realized, and she was winning.

Suddenly she took a step back, letting her rapier fall to the side. "I knew you'd find me." She smiled over at Jack who walked out of the forest. "It took you long enough." Elias spun just in time to clash swords with the giant man himself.

Jack barred his teeth at Elias, and Rosalina marveled at how Elias held himself together. Jack's muscles strained as he fought Elias. Though he was much larger, it seemed Elias had much more experience and clashed with Jack every time.

Rosalina slowly walked around the two dueling and reached into Jack's back pocket before quickly stepping out of the way. Within 3 large gulps, she downed his water canister, feeling much better.

Now with focused mind she looked over to Elias, who had Jack on his knees. "You're Gaspar's right hand." Elias said, looking down at Jack's medallion. "Which means Gaspar is in England." He growled in anger. Rosalina rolled her eyes and pulled out her sword, holding it against his neck.

"Amazing deduction skills." She said. "Now if you don't mind." Jack stood up, anger fuming in his eyes. "Now, Jack. I think it's time we cut this year's vacation and go home." Elias' gaze shifted to Rosalina's.

"Impossible." He whispered looking back at Jack.

"Only the possibility of the impossible is impossible." She said, sheathing her sword. "I apologize once again for this, Mr. Keen."

Elias only had a split second to look confused before he was smashed in the back of the head and sent into oblivion.

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