Four Months: Part 1

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Month 1:

Sophia and I head to our first classes.  The walls of all the classrooms are filled with pictures of Disney movies and TV shows. My favorite classes are acting and choir. I did concert choir in Middle School and High School. I also like singing because we sing pop songs instead of choir songs. We get to the cafeteria at lunch time and this school has some really good food! I had a slice of pizza, french fries, and a Mountain Dew. Sophia had spaghetti and meatballs, falafel, and root beer. We go to dancing and I recognize the teacher.

"OMG! Ms.Jen! Remember me? It's Mason from the musical theater summer camp!" I say.

"Oh yeah! I remember you. I also taught you tap remember?" she says.

"Definitely!" In dance class we learned hip-hop moves and some jazz. I go to art and remember how I used to hate art as a kid. Also, I remember that once I missed a lot of art when I was in theater because we did shows for elementary schools during school time. Good thing I didn't have to take it ever again! The teacher is nice yet a little strict. We start to learn how to draw Mickey Mouse today and we are finishing tomorrow. We have classes Monday-Thursday. Friday's there is audition practice with a Disney star!

(Time skip presented by PuppyDog909)

It is now friday. Right when Sophia and I wake up we hear a knock on our door. It's probably our audition mentor letter! I hope I get Curtis Rodriguez! There is only one envelope which means we both have the same one. The envelope is covered with Mickey Mouse stickers. There is a sentence in the corner that says, "Surprise on the back!". We look on the back of the envelope and there is a "Amazing Life of Cyrus McCoy!" sticker! We open the envelope and it says "Curtis Rodriguez"!!!

"OMG Babe! We got who we wanted!" Sophia yells!

"YAS! Oh no, the class starts at 10:00. It's 9:30 and the room in 10 minutes away, we have 20 minutes! You get clothes out, start doing anything and I'll make breakfast, go!" I say.

I start making my special 5-minute breakfast burritos. I finish and Sophia comes out dressed. I get dressed and we start to eat.

"Okay, it is 9:45. We have 5 minutes to get our keys, brush our teeth, and mentally prepare ourselves because we are about to meet CURTIS!" I say.

We do all the things and drive to the mentor room. We get there 1 minute early and walk into our room.

"Okay, Curtis will be here in any minute we have to act cool!" I say.

He walks in, "Hey guys! I am your mentor, Curtis. I am going to be on the new show, "Amazing Life of Cyrus McCoy!"."


"So much for acting all cool Mason." Sophia says.

"How do you guys know me? The show didn't start yet. The only thing out is commercials." he says.

"We are from the same hometown. You are only one year older than us. We always watched you in the school musicals. We looked up to you. That's why it is so amazing to meet you now." I say.

"Cool, let's get on with the session!" Curtis says.

We learn acting skills like diction and emotion in the class. It goes from 10:h00 to 11:45.

This is how it goes for the next two months. The final two months before vacation we have a show!  We cast a episode for a show we make up and if the episode is good it will become a show! 

I Wanna Be Famous (COMPLETED)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant