Vrrm Vrrm and Shhh Shhh

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*Ding, ding, ding*

I wake up and look at the clock. 3:30, good thing I didn't forget. Sophia didn't wake up so I started blasting our wake up playlist which consisted of Little Mix, Meghan Trainor, and songs from Aladdin. She wakes up and we have this amazing fun super cool time getting ready. Both of us are ready at 4:15. We decide to have some breakfast burritos and leave our house at 4:30-ish.

*Vrrm vrrm* We hear lots of motorcycles on the highway. *Vrrm vrrm*

There was a little bit of traffic because everyone is leaving for vacation. We make it to LAX at 5:08 and get to baggage check. We start heading to where we get our tickets. Everything is going fine until, "OMG! Mason is that you?" I hear a voice. 

 I turn around and see a tall lady with brown hair and green eyes. Uh-oh. "Hey Lindsay! Long time no see." I say. "Nice to see you too! Sophia! What are you doing here with, my ex." Lindsay says. "We are actually married, you should know. When I posted a pic about us getting married you commented something about, one day he will be yours, right?" Sophia says. 

 I have to tell you something guys.  In eighth grade Sophia's parents pranked her and said she was going to move during the Summer.  We broke up and I started dating Lindsay.  When Sophia found out it was a prank I broke up with Lindsay and got back together with Sophia because we still always think of each other.  Lindsay has wanted revenge ever since.  

"Where are you going, Lindsay?" I say.  "I'm going to Disney with my family that loves there, and you?" Lindsay says.  "We are too.  Uhh.  What flight?" Sophia says.  "1357.  I'm guessing you guys too." Lindsay says. Oh boy.  

We board the plane.  Lindsay is sitting behind us.  Just to make us annoyed whenever we kiss she yells "PLEASE STOP THE PDA" and annoys the whole plane.  Also, when we quietly talk to each other she says "SHHHHHH SHHHHH".  The rest of the flight was fine.  We watch Elf and Pitch Perfect 5.  The food was actually good.  Sophia had a chicken caesar salad and I had an Italian sandwich. 

 "ATTENTION EVERYONE!  WE WILL BE BOARDING IN 5 MINUTES.  THANK YOI FOR JOINING US TODAY AND HAVE A GOOD VACATION!" the flight attendant says.  Finally, we're in Florida!  Hopefully Lindsay doesn't ruin it.

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