Chapter 3: The Arresting Officer

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Damn it. I hate walking into a place like this. Blood all over the place… dead body on the floor... and I wanted to be a cop. Why? Oh, yeah. I remember… so I could help people… right… like that’s happening. Who the hell am I helping now? The girl’s dead. The boy’s got a gash in in head a mile wide. He’s on his way to the hospital and then it’s twenty to life for him.

What was he thinking? That’s just it. These kids… they never think! Don’t they know that for every action there’s an equal and opposite reaction? Basic physics, man… basic principal of life… everything has a consequence. You kill someone, you go to jail. It’s that simple. Well, it used to be.

What a waste. Everyday it’s the same old story. Boy meets girl. They “fall in love.” One of them looks at someone else… a former “love” enters the picture… then there’s jealousy… rejection… heartbreak and then someone cracks and someone winds up dead. It’s becoming an epidemic, I swear.

And for this I wanted to be a cop. Who the heck am I helping? Her? Check this out… nope, she’s pretty stiff. That boy? Don’t think so. That one’s never going to see daylight again. He might even get the chair for this one… if he’s lucky. Guess it’ll depend on the dead girl’s folks. No telling what kind of sentence they’ll come up with. What was he… sixteen at the most? He doesn’t even know his life’s over yet.

It used to be so easy. We arrest them, there’s a trial and then they go to jail. Nice and neat. Ah, the good old days. It’s so different than when I first put on the shield. Now the victim’s families… wow, they’ve become as bad as the person they’re sentencing. Wonder what lunatic in Washington thought up the “Justice for Victims” bill? Did they really think most families would agree to a prison sentence when they could choose any type of punishment they wanted?

Great… it didn’t take them long to get here. Oh well, beats walking around in here. It’s getting a little ripe anyway. Time to leave and let the homicide guys take over. This is more up their alley than mine. Me, I’m content to push the media jockeys back to the street, and give a general report on what we found. The public eats it up. Sometimes they’re like a lynch mob, waiting for some poor sucker to mess up – to get caught lookin’ the wrong way. Good thing we got that kid outta here before the crowd formed.

Oh, no… here comes… yup, my guess is it’s family. You can always tell by the look in their eyes. Hope she’s got a husband to get her through what she’s about to find out. Luckily, I drew media this time. The Sarge gets notification of next of kin, and she definitely looks like next of kin… probably the mother of that dead girl.

Get back you moron. That’s right… let her through… move it along.  Stay behind the yellow tape. Cross it, and I’ll shoot. Ha ha, just a little police humor there, but don’t tick me off. I’m not in the mood today. Nope. Not after what I just saw in that house.

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