Chapter 6: The Guard

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That’s right… get your butt over here. It’s shower time. You know the drill… soiled rags off. You’ll get clean ones when I give ‘em to you. Here’s your towel. Hurry up. Get the damn thing around your waist. Nobody wants to see your ragged... Good enough… let’s go. Let’s go, I said. What part of that don’t you understand? Move it along. Eyes front… I told you, eyes front, you little prick!


Look at me again, and you’ll be pickin’ nuts outta your teeth! Come on, we don’t have all day. Move it!

So boy… how you like it? Bein’ in solitary… nothing’ to do but scratch your butt all day and wonder how long you got till they either fry you or send you to the pen. It must make you wonder if your ten minute romp with that girl was worth it, huh?

Don’t give me that I didn’t do it look. You did it, you cock sucking moron. Nobody in here is innocent. Nobody gets locked up by mistake. I know… poor baby… it wasn’t supposed to happen this way. You weren’t supposed to get caught. Too bad… you did, and this ain’t the Love me Tender Hotel. In here… you get what’s comin’ to you. Hold up… right there. Toe the line, and don’t move a muscle.  I mean it, don’t you move!

Hey there. Yeah, shower time. Thirty minutes should… little shit like him… we’ll be done in no time. Yeah, I know. Tell me about it. He looks like he’s ready to wet his pants. Guess his mommy’s not hear to wipe his ass. Oh, you know me. I give these boys a lesson to remember. This’ll be quick. No doubt about that… and to think we get paid to do it. Yeah, I like this one. He still thinks someone’s gonna rescue his butt from this rat hole. He still has hope, or at least he pretends he does. But I’ll break him of that. You wait and see. He leaves here… he’ll be tame as a kitten, and ready for bigger and better things in the pen. Thanks, I will… and you… you’ll get the next one they throw in here. Oh, I will. I most certainly will.


Okay, in you go. Move it, dumb ass! Boy, you look at me again, and I swear they’ll be carrying you outta here on a stretcher. You know the routine. Soap and shampoo’s in the dispenser. You got 5 minutes, you hear me. Five! Leave the towel. What’s your problem? You all of sudden forget what you’re here for? Give me that. You give me any more trouble and so help me… you little wimp. I don’t wanna touch you till your clean.

Look at him… scrawny little shit. He thinks it’s tough here… just wait. Man, I love this job… scaring the shit out of these little pukes. Nothing better than watching their expression that first time you take the towel from them. That’s when they first start to break… when the security blanket isn’t hiding their little weenie pricks. Makes ‘em feel vulnerable. It’s a great feeling having the power to do whatever I want to them. They get used to it. They get used to it, or they get the crap beat out of ‘em. Only takes a time or two and then they just stand there and take it. After a while, some of ‘em even come to like it. I know I do. I have my favorites, and this boy… he’s one of ‘em.

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