Chapter 3 Awkward Moment

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~Lizzy's POV~

I woke up in an unformillia room then I remember what happened yesterday and smile I get out of bed and tiredly walk down stairs and into the kitchen to see Mark and Jack making pancakes Jack had his arms around Marks waist "aww you guys are so adorable" I said not really thinking they both jump and look at blushing "Oh my god Lizzy don't scare us like that" Mark said holding his hand over his hart I chuckled "sorry I couldn't help it" "come on breakfast is done" Jack said walking over to the table with our plats "thanks" I said sitting down on the table after we were done eating Mark took our plates and placed them into the sink "Lizzy last night when you said night who did you call dad and who did you call papa" Jack asked "you guys can pic which ones you want I don't mind" I said shrugging my shoulders "OOOOO I call papa" Mark said jumping up and down Jack and I both giggle

~Time Skip Till about midday also known as afternoon~

We were all sitting on the sofa we Mark and Jack were cuddling but I don't mind it adorable "hey don't you guys need to record" I asked "nope" Jack said popping the 'p' " we did a whole bunch of videos before you came here so we can spend some time with you" Mark added "oh okay ...... I know I'm asking a lot of questions but what about school" I asked "we still need to register you into the local school by ye you will have to go to a public school" Jack said "okay" I said I took my phone out of my pocket and opened up a app called Wattpad ...... but I sadly forgot what the last thing I was reading and when it finally loaded my eyes widened it was a SEPTIPLIER SMUT I quickly press the back button to change to a different story but with my luck it was not going back I was sitting next to jack and looked down at my phone screen "what you reading there" he asked with a smirk I quickly moved my phone so he can't see the phone screen my heart going at a thousand beets per second "N-nothing" I said flustered looking anywhere but my parents Jack starts to laugh uncontrollably Mark looks at him with confused face Jack finally calms down "come on let me see" Jack said reaching for my phone I quickly moved it out the was and got of the sofa and began to run around with Jack on my tail "dad nooooooooooo" I said while running "hey just let me see" Jack said running after me "Nnooooo because I know what will happen" I said still running at this point it was starting to get tired but I stayed determined to keep going even though this was the probably the 5 lap I've done "why what will happen" Jack asked "I don't feel conferrable saying it" I said panting a bit "papa help meeee" I said looking over at Mark who was trying not to laugh and holding up his phone probably recording this "nope I'm fine here" Mark said Jack finally tackled me and started tickling me "nnoooo.....plz stop ..... my weakness" I said in-between laughing I dropped my phone and he quickly grabbed and looked at my home screen and blushes it was a fan art of mark and Jack kissing (pic above) he quickly shakes it off and tries to guess my pin I am finally getting my breath back "seriously .... Lizzy 1, 2, 3, 4" Jack said shaking his head I begin to panic and lunge for my phone but Jack moves it out of my reach "Nnooo only because I'm small" I said laughing a bit Jack starts to read what I was looking his eyes grow wide and looks at me in shock "Lizzy ..... I never thought you would read this" smirking at me to let me know he was joking "OMG dad this is so embarrassing" I said finally getting my phone "now I have to change my pin" I said I look at Mark and he finally loses it putting his phone down I sigh "I'm going to take a shower" I said and left the room

~Mark's POV~

"what was that all about" I asked Jack once I finally calmed down "she was reading something on her phone and wouldn't show me so I chased her and found out that she was reading ..... Septiplier stuff and her lock screen is a fan art of me and you kissing" Jack said trying to hold back his laughter "wait.... What kind of septiplier stuff" I asked Jack save me the 'Look' look the look that says 'you don't want to know' it clicks in and I start to blush Jack starts to giggle at my reaction and slowly walks over to me and makes me stand up he wraps his arms around my waist and whispers the things it said my eyes widen "and she reads that" I said shocked but I can't denie I had a little .... Umm problem Jack must have noticed because she started to chuckle "go on bed its getting late ill go make sure that she isn't pissed at me" Jack said I nodded and hurried to our room

~Jack's POV~

I can't believe that worked I quietly chuckle to myself and walk to Lizzy's room and knock "hey you're not pissed at me are you" I asked "no and you can come in you know" she said I slowly open the door to see her sitting on the edge of the bed with her laptop "no I'm not mad at you I'm just embarrassed.... It awkward enough it happening when you're with your parents but it becomes extremely more awkward when it's about your parents" she said looking down "hey there is no need to be embarrassed it's natural" I said smirking her head shot up bright red and she quickly covered her ears "NO, NO, NO IM NOT HAVING THIS TALK RIGHT NOW LALALALA" she practically yelled I quickly had to cover her mouth so she didn't wake up the neighbours "ssshhhh you've been watching to many of my videos" I said with a chuckle "anyway what did you mean when you said you know what will happen" I asked she let out a sigh and just gave me the look as if saying 'you know what' "oohh ....umm" I said a bit flustered she just giggled "night dad" she said "night Lizzy" I said walking to the door "Just keep it down I actually want to sleep tonight" she said I blush deeply "will do" I said walking out

~Time Skip~

~Lizzy's POV~

I laid their my eyes wide open I won't be able to sleep tonight


Sorry about the lack of updates and about the ending I thought it would be funny but anyway I hope you enjoyed this chapter although nothing really big happen but ye Lizzy Out

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