The End

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That was the end of my speech. 

I don't think it was what people expected. But it wasn't what I'd expected to write either. That's what this book has been for me, everything unexpected. 

We're now approaching nearly a year since the book was published, nearly two years since I finished writing it. This book still feels raw to me, a wound that hasn't scabbed over yet. But I'm learning to talk more about it, to share more about it. 

Part of the reason for that is the people who've read it and who know. I was recently at another book festival--the SE-YA Book Fest, also near Nashville, TN--and I had a few readers come up to me. And there were a few, just one or two or three, who held A World Without You the same way I hold that book, like a secret or a promise. And I could see in their eyes that they didn't have a Full House family, and they hadn't known before that they weren't alone. 


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