Episode 5: DownHill

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-- Everyone is back in LA at a hotel Kodie has her own room --

Jay: - knocks on Kodie's door-

Kodie: -answers- what do you want?

Jay: -walks in as she closes the door behind him- How are you feeling?

Kodie: Getting there..not trying to talk or think about any of that right now though man

Jay: okay? but it's been 2 weeks Kod...Don't let this get to you in the inside you need to talk to somebody

Kodie: I've been straight for this whole time we were touring and all of this other extra shit that's been going on with us and the group. I'm alright dude don't worry about me , just focus on what you need to do with Erica or some shit

Jay: I care about you what you mean? that's why i'm trying to fix this shit

Kodie: You're not fixing anything man, leave me alone what don't you get? leave me alone

Jay: You're not serious are you? but if Miles came in here to say something or Perry you'll tell them right?

Kodie: Man, shut up close my door..

Jay: RIGHT?!

Kodie: CLOSE MY DOOR !! 

Jay: Whatever man -throws his chain on the floor that Kodie gave him awhile ago- If this is what you want then fine , Don't come to me for shit Kod ! -leaves the room and closes the door- 

Kodie: -all alone and she plays some Weeknd- man... -shakes her head and starts to tear up and cry a little- I don't know what's going on with me anymore...

--Someone Knocks on her door 4 times and she doesn't answer until the last knock--

Kodie: ....

Uzi: Hi...

Kodie: -closes the door-

Uzi: -behind the door- Com- Come on kodie !, Look please just talk to me it's been to long ! ,

Kodie: -Opens the door- You think that you couldn't of tried that 2 weeks ago huh? where were you when all this other shit happened? nigga you never cared about me ! all you cared about was the juice and the fact that you were helping out kodak and shit !.....I wouldn't be surprised if you were with kodak right now trying to set me up again 

Uzi: Look ! , I know I fucked up and all but i'm not trying to cause anymore drama between us okay? I care about you and all I just feel fucked up about this shit. Before, I tried to stop kodak. I didn't know I would fall for you like this.

Kodie: You don't need to say anything....I like girls alright? i'm not straight! stop trying to change me

Uzi: Look at yourself man ! I know that you fuck with me ! and I know that for a fact. 

Kodie: You need to leave man .... -Closes the door-

Uzi: -sighs and yells- FUCK !

Thug: You played that out so wrong fella..

Uzi: -looks at Young Thug- What?

Thug: I'll handle this look ...-Knocks on the door-

Kodie: -opens it- WHA-

Thug: -Waves- Hii uhm you know who I am right?

Kodie: Yeah... how did you?

Thug: enough of that so yeah uhm... How would you like to get on a track with me? 

Kodie: dude are you serious??

Thug: Yeah, Just -he grabs her hand and writes his email on her hand- Just send your verse here once I send you the beat okay? I'll catch you around 

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