Azrael's Eyes

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   Phanuel and Sky played in the gym passing a ball of feathers back and forth. Gabriel's squishy face peered into the room through the door and he shook his head as if he was searching for something. Phanuel's eyes found him and he caught the ball holding it still.

"Gabie? What are you looking for?"

"Oh! Have you seen Matthias?" 


"Really?" He paused and looked around the room. "Where's Azrael?"


   Matthias crouched on a rooftop overshadowing a large man in a leather jacket walking in the street below. The man turned off of the rough concrete path onto a small dirt trail. Matthias flew overhead hesitating when he saw where the male was heading. The wings on his back were thick grey and overlapping in groups of three showing that his angelic purpose was dark and a heavy burden to bare. He stopped in front of an old rusted gate and the younger angel followed close behind. The silent handsome giant was walking into a graveyard alone. He sat on a bench and did nothing but look over the stones. Matthias flew down hiding behind a large headstone. He folded his wings back into himself and began to creep up closer until he was called out.

"Please don't crouch in the graves." Azrael spoke.

   Matthias stood up gently moving around the hedge stones towards the bench. He sat beside the dark angel placing them into an uncomfortable silence.

"What are you doing out here?" Matthias finally piped up.

   Azrael said nothing but turned his head back to the gate where a small charcoal haired girl tried to get in. Her dark skin contrasted the pale turqoise school uniform and pink back pack. She smiled widely as she made her way through the graveyard. She stopped at two twin stones and removed her backpack unzipping the pouch. She reached inside and carefully pulled out two tiny potted flowers. From where the angels sat they could hear her clearly.

"My flowers finally bloomed. Mrs. Rogers gave me an A! So here you go!"

   She placed the flowers on each grave and sat in between them. She pulled out a lunch box and went on about her school day.

"That is Kia." Azrael surprised Matthias. "Her parents passed away in a car accident 3 years ago."

"So those are their graves." He said softly.

"She comes here everyday to eat lunch and tell them about how she is doing at school."

   Matthias looked at the mans serious face and was surprised at the colour gold. The angel turned his head to look at the brunette and they changed white. He looked back at the girl and they faded into gold once more. 

"She has a heart of gold." Azrael breathed.

   The younger angel was surprised by the gentleness of the giant. The angel of death, a feared and strong angel, was watching over one little girl because of her good heart. 

"So you flew all the way over here to watch over her?"

"That and there is an amazing sushi place in town." 

"Such a big softy." Matthias smirked.

"So why did you follow me here?"

   Matthias's eyes widened for a second and he looked away a bit shook by his own actions. It was not like him to do something like this only to feed his own curiosity. 

"I heard you were the next to train me?" He thought up quickly.

"I see."

   The large angel stood up and began to walk out of the graveyard. Matthias was about to follow him before he looked back at the little girl. He bit his lip and Azrael turned surprised to see the boy gone. He looked at the little girl to see a long white shimmering feather fall in front of her. She picked it up and looked at it curiously before a wide smile crossed her lips once again.

"I knew it!" She called. "The angels! Mummy and daddy are with the angels!"

   Azrael turned to see Matthias at the gate leaning against it arms crossed. 

"Well, are you coming?" He smiled.

   Azrael nodded and opened the gate. "Thank you." He said quietly.

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