Broken Sky

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Tsuna's POV

'I don't know what to do... All of them left me every since that happened. Why? Why are they so much happier to him? They are even more happier when they were with me before that incident. They are so distant. The only time they see me is when giving his paperwork to me. He should be the one doing it but,... they want to spend time with him. I still smile though. I smile because it's the only thing that prevents me from seeing the truth. But,... I've already seen it all. Hayato stopped calling my Juudaime and started calling me Tsuna. Chrome and Mukuro now call me Tsuna as well instead of Vongla or Bossu. Takeshi and Ryohei call me the same thing. Even Lambo calls me Tsuna instead of Tsuna-nii. Reborn is the worst. He finally stopped calling me Dame-Tsuna three weeks before the incident but he's starting it again but with venom in his voice. Why? Why do they all leave me so quickly. I was framed. Can't they see that? Of course they can't anymore but,... why didn't they see it then?' I was snapped out of my thoughts when I heard a knock on my door. Probably the paperwork again. That means Hayato is here. I can't even see the others faces anymore. I opened the door and he just came in and placed it on the empty spot on the table. Then he left. He's leaving me alone again. Lately, Reborn hasn't been here too. The only time he goes here is too tell me to carry on working or that I have a meeting with someone. That someone is mostly small Famiglia asking me to be their boss. Of course I decline but my old guardians just make me want to say yes. I don't want to leave them but,... just seeing them like that with someone else hurts me so much. I love my family but the problem is that, they don't love me back at all. I'm a broken sky...

??? POV

"Che. What have those pieces of shit done to their sky? I'm at fault here too but, I don't mean it at all. I can read their thoughts and I know that they all mean it. They hate Tsuna with all their heart. I'm gonna torture them later." I mumble and leave the tree that I'm on. I was on it spying on him. I was spying on il mio stupido figlio. Dame-Tsuna,... why don't you tell them that you're hurt? More importantly, why don't you tell me? Is it because I stopped seeing you? Because I started calling you Dame-Tsuna again? Or is it because you think that I truly hate you? I don't. The reason for my actions is because I'm researching that kid Simon. If I was too close to you, I'm afraid that he'll do something to you. Something... horrifying...

Tsuna's POV

I've finally finished my paperwork and the time is 20:47. Then, I heard faint giggling. We used to be like that. We used to be like a family to each other. In fact, we were a family to each other. But that happened and they found him. They found Simon. The soon-to-be-don of Vongla. The Vongla Eleventh. Hayato started calling him Juu-ichidaime. Takeshi is now calling him Simon-kun. Mukuro is calling him Vongla-Eleventh. Chrome is now calling him Vongla-Bossu. Ryohei is calling him Simon-dono. And Lambo is calling him Simon-nii-chan. It broke my heart to hear it all. And then the I was damaged again when I heard his name. Reborn called him stupido figlio. That was my name. That was the one that il mio numero uno papà gave me. That alone would cause my world to shatter. Just those two words. And without me noticing, I cried silently. Even if I cried out loud, no one would come to me. No one in this world would. Only the 12 who believed me. They were Enma, Lancia, Basil, Xanxus, Squalo, Bel, Lussaira, Flan, Levi, Viper, Fuuta and I-pin. That's right, I didn't even mention my parents. They left me all alone and won't even bat an eye to me whenever I'm around. I'm just a Broken Sky. The Sky Whose Better Off Forgotten. At least, that's what I think. I have no idea what's going on in their heads. Especially Hayato's. But then again, the way they look at me,... they probably don't even care about me.

Authors POV

'Tsuna (Hayato, Takeshi, Lambo, Chrome, Mukuro) /Sawada (Ryohei) ... Eh? Why am I thinking of that demons name? Is something wrong with me?' The guardians minus Kyoya thought while talking to Simon. Their boss. He asked them if something's wrong but they said no and smiled at him. Even Mukuro. He eyed them suspiciously but shrugged it off. He was glad that he had such good guardians. 'Strange... Why do I feel so guilty?' They thought and had no idea of their ex-sky's problem. His problem is his fear. His fear is rejection and being left by his family. And his family is those 12 people whom he never saw only called. Just then... 'Juu-ichidaime/Simon-kun/Simon-dono/Vongla-Eleventh/Vongla-Bossu/Simon-nii-chan! I will not be tricked by that demon!' They were determined that Tsuna was the darkness and Simon seas the light. So, Simon was the Day and Tsuna was the Night. Tsuna was more darker than Simon. Simon was more lighter than Tsuna in their eyes. Tsuna was definitely the enemy is the only thing they believed. The only way to prove that he didn't kill Kyoko, Bianchi, Haru and Hana was to have the evidence or do something that an enemy would never do. For example: Take a bullet for them, Take on an enemy Famiglia on his own, If they were kidnapped he would storm in and rescue everyone or, Accept the fact that they despise him. This would never happen. That demon wouldn't ever do anything for them. It doesn't have the heart to. That is what they thought. They never knew the pain if that actually happened.


Sorry that this chapter is short but be prepared since the next ones are shorter. Soz.

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