Hello Internet

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Hello peoples of the internet (I'm never using that again I'm so sorry)! You may not have known this, but I've gotten really into Danisnotonfire and AmazingPhil so I thought it would be a good idea to write one shots! So please comment a number of one of these quotes.

01 "I need you."
02 "Just tell me that you love me."
03 "Please wake up."
04 "Why are you at my house at 3:00 AM?"
05 "I think I'm in love with you."
06 "Are you going to kiss me?"
07 "Wait, you like me, too?"
08 "I know it's late, but I just needed to tell you that you're great."
09 "If I could, I would get you a million puppies just to make you happy again."
10 "I know you don't want to, but you're going to have to wake up soon."
11 "We're going to be in so much trouble if somebody catches us."
12 "Every time I see you, you have the same exact book as me, and I just need to ask, are you a spy?"
13 "What's the difference between love and infatuation?"
14 "Can I kiss you?"
15 "Just breathe."
16 "This is the sixth time you've spelled my name wrong. Are you doing this on purpose?"
17 "I love you, but please never break into my house again."
18 "How many times do I have to tell you before you believe me?"
19 "Let's just stay here all day. Yeah, that sounds good."
20 "How would you feel if I told you... that this is for you?"
21 "I just want to hold your hand, and tell everyone that we're together. Is that too much to ask for?"
22 "You know, you really suck at this."
23 "Are you scared of me?"
24 "How many times do I have to ask you before you finally say yes?"
25 "Let's adopt twenty cats together and treat them like our children."
26 "I swear I didn't see anything!"
27 "I won't tell anyone. I swear."
28 "Hey, can I ask you for a favor?"
29 "What if I kissed you right now?"
30 "Let's just stop to think about the fact that you're actually holding my hand right now."
31 "Shut up. Just, shut up."
32 "I don't think I love you anymore. In fact, I'm very much sure that I hate you."
33 "You're a terrible person. Why do you have to be such a terrible person?"
34 "I'd love you if you weren't so nice to me all the time."
35 "It was part of the deal."
36 "I can't explain right now. I just need you to pretend that we're dating."
37 "Wait, your name isn't Eight Ball?"
38 "Let's play a game: How many more times do I have to give you these until you realize I'm flirting with you?"
39 "I'm sorry, okay? You're just really cute, and I get nervous around cute people."
40 "Was that supposed to hurt?"
41 "Out of all the lies I've told, loving you was probably the biggest one."
42 "Don't say anything. Just... just dance with me. Right here. Right now."
43 "Of course you can forgive me. That's all you have to do. Just forgive me."
44 "I... I thought you were dead."
45 "Let's go on a road trip together, and never come back."
46 "Run away with me."
47 "You couldn't have possibly stolen my heart."
48 "Please don't tell me it's you I saw on the World's Most Wanted list."
49 "You're leaving? Again? Why do you always have to leave me?"
50 "If there's two things I know, it's that I love coffee... and I love you, too."

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