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(Prompt: "Let's adopt twenty cats together and treat them like our children." Requested by: HeartEyesHowell22 Hope you like this)

It's that time of year, time for the next PINOF. But this year was a little different, it was taking place in the new house the two boyfriends bought. (I wrote this before the new video I'm freaking psych) It would be the first video after coming out together, and the whole world was excited. "PHIL!" Dan called from their room. "Are you ready yet? It's been 10 minutes." "I'm coming I'm coming hold your horses." Phil said as he walked in, with the sharpie. Dan hit the record button. "It's time for number 9 and I'm feeling fine." "Ready to get high off the sharpie fumes Danny?" Dan rolled his eyes but smiled. "Sure Phil." He said, as Phil applied the whiskers. "Whisker, Whisker, Whisker on your face." Dan laughed, "You stole my line! I can't believe you." "You know you love me, you know you care, so shout whenever, and I'll be there." Phil sang. "Philip Michael Lester are you singing freaking Justin Beiber? I can't believe you!" Dan said in his normal sarcastic voice. (you know the one) "Sorry. Let's answer some questions Danny!" "Okay Philly." "Would you ever consider adopting?" "I'd love to adopt, I've always wanted kids and I think we'd be good parents." "Dan, Dan, Dan, LET'S ADOPT 20 CATS AND TREAT THEM LIKE OUR CHILDREN!" Phil yelled, bouncing up and down. "Oh sorry, did I break the sound barrier yelling?" He muttered. "One, Phil, love, you are allergic to cats, and two, that's what happens when you go fast you idiot!" "Oh yeah...." Phil realized.
>•< Timeskip cause I'm lazy >•<
Phil turned of the camera. "WE DID IT! PINOF 9!" Dan yelled excitedly. "Hey, I'm going down to the kitchen, do you want anything?" Phil asked. "Just a coffee. Thank you." Dan said as he yawned. "Don't stay up for the rest of the night Daniel." Phil said lovingly as he left the bedroom. "Okay mum!" Dan yelled after him. "Love you!" Phill called back. "Love you too ya dork." Dan replied, smiling.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2017 ⏰

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