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The next day, I woke up still on my last night's clothes, all bloody ...

I then cleaned up the blood stains allover the floor and car park.

I took a shower and throw all the evidence out.

surprisingly, I'm not in the mood to eat breakfast with püssy, so I went to the living room to eat and watch the tv.

"head line, Yiyun came back!!"

so its on the news now?

"on the elite's party last night, there are 3 deaths which includes mayor Lee, the said victims went missing after another blackout, the policemen are now searching where could they possibly be"

oh they are on püssy's stomach already

"there were also 7 more fatalities which the cause of death are still unknown"

I killed them too.

"its still a puzzle on the investigators on how can yiyun possibly enter the event when the security is very tight. There's also a possibility that the suspects are just using yiyun's name since yiyun is known for using a small knife instead of gun"

don't be puzzled, I'm a genius right?

"the suspect/s could be one or more of the guests that has a hidden motif to kill the victims maybe business related or politics"

or just plainly heart break

"but the people are still advised to be careful specially, the number of missing people has grown tremendously over the years. Here are the people on the 'missing people list' for the last few months"

then my victim's picture from the last few months appeared including the gold digger girl (Suzy), the douche bag guy (Kai)

then my eyes widen when I saw other pictures that I don't even touch!

"oh Em! they are dead?!"
I exclaimed

it was the pictures of the three jocks that bully me from school, the 'juice girl' (the cheer leader who tried to pour juice on me) and the guy I punched for reminding me my past with Siwon.

"so that's the reason why I lost my stimulant ?".












I was still on a daze and I feel like I'm a walking dead. I just found myself walking,  now on my usual nerdy clothes, in the middle of the University grounds filled by students of different courses and year levels. I just realised that its the usual lunch break time for most of the regular students, then i started to think...

'what am I doing here? am I really that masochist?'

there is a great possibility that I will meet her here and so I'm correct

"Eunyoung oppa!!!"

I turned my back to walk away but she hugged me from the back like she usually do.

"what do you want?" I said blankly

"Is there a problem? You were absent again for 2 days what happened?"
Worry is evident on her tone

I didn't talk, instead, I took off her arms around me.

I just took my first step but she wrapped her arms around me again, this time, tighter.

"That night, Roger saw you... And I found 3 roses on..."

"I heard you" I cut her off

"What?" She was shocked and confused at the same time, because of that, she loosen her grip on me

"Your oppa..."

She stood there frozen, and completely speechless. She might trying to remember her conversation with her 'Oppa'.

"So whatever your plans are against me, just drop it."
I took off her arms around me again but she ran in front of me and hugged me, preventing me to walk any further.

At this time, almost all the students are gathered to watch our little show and her yelling is not helping at all.

"please let me explain, its not what you think!! please..."

"you don't have to, I heard enough besides I'm not even your boyfriend" I said

"but I love you! I love you Eunyoung!" I was taken aback by what she said.
My mind is not yet done processing it when

she slam her lips on mine. She kissed me hungrily on my lips totally forgetting where are we at this moment. I can hear gasps from the students who are watching.

The kiss wasn't gentle at all but I can tell that she isn't a pro. Maybe first time? This couldn't be!... With the way she kiss me roughly like she wanted to eat me alive, like a lion who was starved then saw a lean meat again for a long time. She's really trying her best but she's still bad at it.

I just stood there watching her. Then her hand from my shoulder travelled up to my neck. I saw a tear left her eye before she mumbled "I love you... Eun..." I'm not sure about the last word, but it sounds like it.

This time she kissed me passionately, pouring all her emotions out. I know I need to keep my mind sane but I really feel like its sincere. Eventually the kiss became deeper... I was ready to forget all the things I heard, her plans against me and forgive her for insulting me...

I was about to return the kiss when I realized:

even if she says the truth, if she knows my secret specially what I have done last night, she will be disgusted on me and soon leave me.

I pushed her. She fell on the ground.

I thought she would give up,
But NO this girl really embodies the word, Determination.

"please just let me explain everything please I beg you!!!" she said crying while wrapping her arms around my leg like her life depends on it.

'just leave me alone now Krystal, its for your own good. leave now while I can still let you go,'

I kicked her, she was about to stand up again when her friends came running towards her and stopped her.

"Get off me! Leave me alone!" She yelled trying to push everyone out

"Krys stop now..."the girls are pleading her

" Leave now Liu! Before I beat the sh*t out of you!" Jonghyun shouted while onew and Key are clenching on his shirt.

I used this opportunity to get away leaving her crying on the ground.

'I'm sorry krys, I'm sorry, that word just belongs to you'

A/n: wohooooo....!!!! 3 chaps + 1 author's note left!

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