A Squid Toy!

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"Hey, you over there!" Thetah called out. You walked over to her.

"Yeah?" you asked.

"Wanna play?" she replied.

"Sure! I'd love a good game of Seven Minutes in Heaven," you answered.

"Alright, ___. Reach your hand in," Thetah said.

You reached your hand inside the hat she held in her hands. You felt many items inside the hat, about 16 of them. You pulled out a. . .

Squid toy!

"Ehh? Who would... Oh!" You cheered, remembering who owned many different colored squid toys.

Jade stood up and ran over to you.

"Yay! You picked me!" she cheered, hugging you as Eridan pushed you two into the closet. He closed the door.

"Jade! I'm so happy to see that you're back safe," you said. Jade had just come back from playing Sburb with Rose, John, and Dave.

"Yep! It was super fun to play with them!" Jade said, remembering everything she had done.

"Wasn't Jack Noir there? Didn't he kill you?" you asked. Jade nodded, shaking at the mere mention of Jack Noir's name.

"Y-Yeah, but I came back," Jade said, shaking off her nervousness. You grinned happily. You and Jade spent the rest of the time talking about what Jade encountered in her Sburb session.

"Time's up," Eridan said, opening the door. You and Jade skipped out, skipping towards the couch. You two sat down and talked more, enjoying each other's company.



Your best friend, Jade, came back safely from her game session. You are super happy to see her again, and Jade's glad to see you again too.

Homestuck: Seven Minutes in Heaven!Where stories live. Discover now