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Luna Clara finally left and I went back to sleep. My dreams were dark and disturbing, I dreamt of Devil, of him laughing at me and chasing me, dark shadows following me around, my parents were also there, Rick and some other people I didn't know but it all meshed together and I couldn't make sense of it all. I woke up in a sweat, shivering in fear. For a moment I was disoriented, my brain all jumbled up, there was a part of me that just wanted to just start screaming and destroy everything in sight and for a moment I was tempted but my mind suddenly cleared as if there was something blocking the blood to my brain and it was removed. I wondered if it was the madness that had started, no one had said it but I knew that's what they really meant when they were saying my spirit was perverted. I wondered if I was going to be aware of what I would be doing but I hoped I wouldn't be. I thought of killing myself and I felt my wolf rising inside of me rejecting the thought. I was glad to finally feel it, I had feared that somehow I had lost it. Tears started falling down my face , in a way I had thought Luna Clara was just telling me a story about what happened to me but I was going to be alright but now I knew what she was saying was true. My wolf felt different, I couldn't really explain but it felt not right

The nurse came to check on me and gave me sleeping pills, I had a feeling everyone was wary of me and didn't want to deal with me but that was okay with me, I didn't want to deal with anything or anyone too. The next time I woke up I sensed a presence beside me, opening my eyes I was pleased to see Damon.

"Nice of you to wake up sleepy head" I smiled at Damon but I wasn't sure it came of as a grimace. I tried to move but I felt boneless and heavy, Damon moved towards me and helped me sit up giving me a hug.

"Hey Dee, how are you? I was worried" Damon smiled at me.

"I know I was worried too, when Michael and his warriors came, they found us  and took us in" The pills were starting to wear off and my senses were becoming sharper, I was surprised to sense a wolf inside of Damon.

"You are a werewolf?"

"Yah, we were given an option to change and I accepted." Damon said clearly excited by this.

"And the other guys did they also survive?" For a moment Damon looked haunted and they he seems to shake off whatever memories he had been thinking about.

"Most of the guys didn't survive, from our friends Just Alexia and Jesse. They chose to have their memories erased and go back to their lives." Rick had mentioned that some werewolves had powers like mind control and there were witches who knew to do a lot of interesting things but it was still weird talking about werewolves, erasing memories like it was normal.

"Damon, have you heard about someone called Rick, we were together and he was badly injured" Damon shifted uncomfortably and I felt my stomach remembering how the nurse had also seemed uncomfortable, was Rick dead?

"Did he die?" I saw fear in Damon's eyes and he moved away from me, I could sense my wolf and guessed that what was scaring Damon. I felt more powerful than I had ever before but I could sense that something was wrong with me.

"No he is not dead Elena, Gosh you are really powerful, I thought Michael was powerful but wow" I breathed a sigh of relief at hearing that Rick was alive. I wasn't sure how to feel at Damon's awe,I could feel pride from my wolf but to me everything was just a bit confusing and I wasn't really sure what all the power meant for me.

"So why did you look uncomfortable when I mentioned Rick?" It was obvious Damon didn't really wanna tell me whatever it was he knew.

"Damon? " he stared at me wide eyed again, rubbing his arms.

"You need to really learn to control your power Elly, you are giving me goosebumps." Damon looked like a petulant child and had a slight pout which made him all the more adorable and despite everything I found myself smiling.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 22, 2019 ⏰

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