1: Purgatory

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I can see... Nothing. Even with my eyes wide open, my mind seems to be in a frozen state, unable to convert my surroundings into visible images for me to comprehend. I can feel the icy water around me, slowly dragging me to the ocean floor. I can feel the rays of the sun peaking through the waves and barely lighting my skin. I can feel the breath escaping me, my lungs going to be soon needing more. The uncomfortable burning sensation begins in my chest. My fingers twitch as my hair floats around me. Then, it all stops. The terrifying yet calm scene is broken, shattered, when a large tentacle curls around my torso, dragging me faster to the depths as my body begins to shut down from the lack of oxygen. I take my last breath and water fills my lungs, life leaving me quicker than the speed of light.

I feel like I'm floating. Like I'm back in the water but... With no water. My eyes drift open and I'm introduced to a long, thin, white corridor. My body is pulled towards a blinding light at the end. "No... I can't... I can't die... I haven't lived my life! I'm too young! I'm only 17! I want to explore the world, cross seas, get a job, achieve my dreams, find true love! I can't die!" I exclaim. I grab onto the walls, slowing myself down, and push down, my feet connecting with the floor. Suddenly, a harsh crack is heard from my back and I let out a scream of pain... The world goes black.

That was a while ago. Two years, I think. Two years I've spent crossing the barren wastelands of purgatory. The ground is hard, like rock. The rivers are thick and don't flow like water. They're like paint mixed with glue. The sky is bland, only a sheet of grey that seems to never end. The only other inhabitants are grotesque monsters with limbs twisted in directions they shouldn't be able to go; their skin can be torn and ripped revealing inner muscle, tissue, bone and sometimes organs; hair made from other living creatures like snakes or worms; horns decorating their heads or spikes lining their bodies; teeth either sharp like fangs or hanging loosely by strands of ripped gum and eyes, mouths or noses missing and replaced by stitches. They attack me, attempting to steal what little soul and sanity I have left.

It's torture.

I'm done with it. I'm breaking out of this place. A year and a half ago, I came across another wandering soul, that's rare to say the least, and they told me that at the ends of the land, lies what seems to be a bottomless pit. Jump down and you return to the world of the living. Fishy? Yes. Do I care? Nope. I don't really have a choice. They gave me a map to follow to get there. A year and a half of wandering, fighting off the creatures of the land. What fun.

With a sigh, I continue to drag my feet along the ground. Of course, I understand that there's a 1 in 1,000,000 chance that the other soul I met was telling the truth. It's most likely they were lying and were truthfully a bodysnatcher tricking me but... It's all I got left. If I don't have something to go on for, I'll end up being erased from existence by one of these mutants and I'll never get to live the life I wanted to live. The whole reason I'm doing this. I have to hold on to the small glimmer of hope I have. Like a dim, faded spark of light in a vast, empty, darkness.

Then, the very familiar distorted roar of a monster calls out. I swiftly pull my spear out from its scabbard on my back, spinning to the sound. There it stands. At least eight feet tall, its right arm bent backwards with its index and ring finger missing, stitches over the place where its mouth should be. The creature's hair is made from millipedes, all wriggling and squirming to escape the beast. It lets out another deranged roar, charging at me. I ready my stance, launching my spear through the air and piercing the monster's left lung. It wails in pain and I take this chance to sprint forward, leaping in the air and yanking the spear out. Blood begins to pour out of the wound. It falls to its knees, the millipedes growing restless, and I raise the spear and thrust the head of it into the beast's back, executing it. I rip the weapon from its corpse and continue on, unphased by what I had just done.

Merely two hours later, the blank sheet of white that is the seemingly endless sky comes to a halt, turning into a pitch black. I look to see the land drop steeply into a pit with an invisible bottom. I take a deep breath, clutching my f/c, worn shirt. I jump.

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