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"So, you've got no idea who your father is. But you need to find him in order to live a free life?" Ivris grimaced, "I'm not liking these odds."

"What do you possibly think 2 teenage girls could do against the Westerners?"

"We have back up. 2 of the other groups are helping us. That's not even including the smaller groups who agreed to help!"

"So what, you get me in there, then what happens? I doubt he's gonna back down just because I'm the daughter of one woman that he trusts."

"He has history with your mother, he believes that she raised you 'right' and that you're just like her."

"I'm only 15. I can't overthrow a wanna-be dictator."

"You can. With help. You can't and aren't doing it alone, Koni."

"What about my dad?"

"I'll help you find him when this is over."

"What if something happens to me before it's over?" I looked down at the ground, "Ivris.. What if things go south and I don't make it. Or you don't."

"Konida. You're tough," she stood up and put a hand on my shoulder, "You're going to make it. And I've spent my days out in the heat, fighting and slaving away just so I can keep this world free."

"Why haven't any other countries tried helping us?"

"Loss of an economic competitor, why would they even think to help us?"

"You're like 17, how are you so calm about all of this. The world broke around our parents and you're just okay with this?"

"I can't fix it right away, so I have to get used to it and fight until I can fix it."

"I need to rest. To think over all of this."

"Alright, Koni. I'll be either outside in a field or downstairs."

I said nothing as she turned towards the door and walked out without a single word.

In about an hour, there was a knock on my door, "Go away," I growled in frustration as I thought about Ivris's offer.

I heard the footsteps walk away before they circled back and my door was forced open.

"Konida Rosen Smith, stop your fucking moping and get your ass out of this fucking room for once in your pointless life," Jaces voice shouted at me as Capri sat helpless to the side.

"J-Jace. Don't shout at her..." Capri wimpered to him.

Anger boiled through me and I stood up from my place on my lone chair. What I planned to do, I really had no idea.

"No, I'm fucking sick of her taking up room in my facility but not doing anything to contribute to my fucking group."

"Because you all fucking disgust me! You're all fucking crazy bastards who can't tell right from wrong! I don't want to fucking be here, you're not my fucking dad you're just the one my whore of a mother decided to stay with during my birth."

Capri gasped and Jace was enraged. He came near me and I went to duck out of the room, but he caught me and threw me to the weak floor.

"You were a fucking accident anyway. No one wants you here," Jace growled at me as his heavy feet came towards me.

I could feel the impending pain from him already and I curled into a ball to protect myself.

"Jace, no," Capri shouted as he no doubt went to hit me.

"She was an accident, what do you care."

"She was an accident but that doesn't mean I regret her, Jace," Capri expressed her emotions more openly than I had ever seen from her, "Kon, honey, I know you're mad at me but I did everything out of care for you. It's not safe out there and for me to go onto the Easterners territory after all this time of silence and anger they have towards me... Kon, I couldn't accompany you to see your father and no one here wants to go there. When you're older, y-you can go.."

I felt her come near me and place an arm hesitantly around me, I winced at her touch. She helped me stand and I glared directly at Jace. The two walked out of the room, but unfortunately for me, it didn't last.

Jace was back as soon as I had gone near my door to close it, "she may be able to pretend to care for your weak ass, but I can't. I want you gone immediately."

"No," I dared say towards him, glaring sharply.

Problem was; he glared just as sharply in return before grabbing my arm hard, his nails digging into my skin, and throwing me onto my already weak, aging, wooden floor for a second time that night.

Even if Capri was there to stop him from hitting me, it would have been utterly pointless considering that she can't stop the breaking of a rotted wooden floor.

I fell through the floor and landed sharply on a pile of boxes and broken, splintering wood. I could have cared less about where I was or my notable injuries. I cared about getting the hell out. Adrenaline soon took over and I stood from the debris and quickly climbed out of it. The adrenaline had taken over so much that my injuries were numb and all I could do was run out of that haunting building.

I ran and I heard someone running after me, thing was; I didn't care. I wanted out. I needed out.

I heard my name from behind me and I couldn't possibly care enough to think too much on who's voice it was, though deep down I knew who it was.

I could hear him calling for me. I knew he only 'cared' because of Capri. He actually cared about Capri, and she was the only reason he actually put up with me. But I couldn't care, I had a personal mission.

     "Konida! Come back here!"

      I ran. I needed to find someone. Someone important.

      "Konida Rosen Smith!"

     I ran right out of the building and onto the abandoned streets. It was dark outside, no one ever came outside after sundown.

      I ran until the loud feet following me were gone and I was in a field. I stood still, looked up at the moon, then looked at the grass. The untamed grass whispered on my knees, traced my skin lightly as the moon looked right at me. Staring at me with it's fullness, its light shining on me.

I dropped to my knees, the grass now tangling my shoulders into its green abyss.

I stared up at the moon, and softly whispered, "Where's my dad? M-my real dad.."

I succumbed into the green abyss, letting it choke me as I drifted into sleep.

Fifteen ✔Where stories live. Discover now