Great Idea

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[Hello there, It's nice to meet you, or if you've read my stories before, then, hello again XD this story is weird, like most of my other ones, but that doesn't matter, what matters is that I tried and failed XD, sorry for wasting your time. Here's the story.]

~Third person~
"LAANCE!!" Keith glared at lance as he dragged him along to flirt with Princess Allura. "Geez, I don't like this anymore than you do, but I can't recharge my energy to fight with you unless I talk with a pretty girl" he winked at Keith as he dragged him along. Keith was so ready to just walk away, but he couldn't. They were handcuffed together. They couldn't go their separate ways like they usually would. It was annoying. They wouldn't stop fighting when they were stuck together. It was a problem for them, and the rest of the team.

When everyone met up again, they talked about separating the two. Keith growled and Lance begged to get the handcuffs removed, complaining about how Keith was draining from his good looks "Hey, I have a great Idea!" Allura blurted out that she had an idea and everyone looked at her. "We can use the Claustrophobia setting on the transportation device we found in the castle. In altea, it was often used to cure claustrophobia." She picked up a remote and pointed to one of the buttons. Hunk looked at the device with a confused and doubtful look on his face, "Uhhhh, how is that gonna help?" Shiro looked at hunk and then back at Allura, "I don't see why we couldn't try, right? We should trust her, she's gotten us this far." Pidge nodded "I agree with Shiro, whatever it does, it's worth a try." Keith groaned and argued, "anything is better than being stuck together with this idiot." Lance yelled "Did you just call me an idiot!?!?!" Keith Snickered a little to himself. "Yeah, I did" lance growled and pouted, yet happy to get away from Keith. "Then, it's settled!" Coran yelled from behind Keith and Lance, disconnecting their handcuffs.

Lance and Keith both let out a sigh and then glared at each other. "Ok guys, stand over here!" Allura instructed them to stand over closer to her. "Anything for you, Princess~" Lance shot back as he was immediately in the spot she had asked them to stand. Keith grumbled with his arms crossed and stood about a yard from Lance. "Stand closer, otherwise it won't work" Allura looked at Keith with a somewhat begging look on her face, hoping Keith would just understand and get it over with. Lance smirked, "Come on Keith, be a good boy and do what the princess says~" Lance tried to hide his disgust when they were so close their shoulders were touching; Keith, on the other hand, did not feel the need to hide it.

Allura wished them good luck and pointed the remote-like device at the both of them, gently placing her thumb on one of the buttons, and nodded one last time to them as she pushed her thumb down, putting pressure onto the button made a small beam of light hit them. The harmless light that would soon help them's size quickly and smoothly turned from the size of a laser, to the size of a spotlight; Surrounding them completely. The light got brighter and they squinted their eyes from the blinding light directed at them. Allura said a small "Goodbye guys, don't fight too much, alright?" In a kind voice and suddenly they weren't able to see Allura or any of the other paladins( not even Coran).

The two couldn't open their eyes right away due to the light that they'd just seen...

The first thing they saw were each other's faces...
In fact...

That's all they could see.

Claustrophobia [Klance]Where stories live. Discover now