Journal entry 01 3/16/17

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Today I read a journal that my cousin posted explaining a lot of thing he wanted to get of his chest, so I thought "why not try it myself" so I guess you can say this is an attempt to do so.

I think I have a problem with Overwatch. All of my stories​ that I'm reading rn are​ related to overwatch and all I do is add more and more stories into the bunch. I'm pretty sure I've read over 30 stories of overwatch, and the worst part of it, they're all fanfics. They're like, self insert stories (like ____ x reader) and I. CAN'T. STOP. READING. THEM. I feel like I'm never gonna find an appealing book other than the fanfics I read.


Ive also been having a problem lately where I can't eat all the food on my plate, and I don't mean that figuratively. It's like my mind is telling me I'm hungry, but I can't eat, because I feel like I don't need to. I know that sounds stupid, but thats how it is, and feel like the stories I read are the problem. If you've heard someone say "I feed off of love" I think thats what it is. Because when I read the stories, my stomach seems to make a weird feeling and I don't know why. But I think it does something where it makes me not hungry. Normally (because I'm chubby/fat and my height) I weigh 175-179 (I'm fat I know) but suddenly I've been at 168??? I've almost lost 10 pounds and all I do is lay in bed and read stories??? No sense, whatsoever from me, but that's my take on it.

So that's my probs for today. Idk if I should do any more of these( unless you want to know bout my life u stalker 😆😋) but if so comment plz.

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