Journal Entry 07 4/9/17

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This was made for RobertIDK
I was only twelve years old, and I met him. RobertIDK. I watch all his video's. I can quote every word he's said in a video. He's everything to me. But tonight, I'ma gonna have something of his that he's gonna miss, and then he'll come find it with me, and then he'll love me, and then we'll have a family of 17 kids and the first one's name with be Robert Jr. Well be a perfect family. And so my adventure begins...

I start off by finding what state he lives in and searching and taking Al the context clues to find where he's at.  It seems he lives down my street two houses away. I put on my darkest clothes and head out on my scavenger hunt. I find an open window in his house and sneek through it, carefully making sure I don't break it. I then tip toe to his room, where I find his computer. I head towards it, and then I heard rustling next to me. Robert was starting to wake so I hid in his closet. He was getting up to get a drink I assume, because his tender lips and voice sound dry. Once he left, I came out of the closet and found his most precious item. His headphones. I took a short moment to look at them and realize just how great they were. I sniffed it and smelled like a his soft silly hair as I would have imagined it. I look at the muffs and see how they are shaped just to his head. I hear foot steps coming, so I take cover in his closet again, taking a moment to smell them. As he drifted off to sleep I stepped very carefully out of his closet, as if not to disturb his beautiful slumber. I look at his face in the moonlight and it's gorgeous. But I can waste time. It's almost dawn and I don't want to be seen out in public wearing all black, I'll seem emo. So I sneek back to the open window and jump out, heading back to my house. I go to my room and lay on my bed, thinking of my successful hunt and of Robert. I then drift to sleep, think of my senpai, RobertIDK...
Lol (Ur welcome, This was just for randomness)

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