You Mean Our Son

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Hey guys now you all know i love dreams and so this chapter is going to love you mind.

So its best to just prepare for it.

Love you guys and don't kill me.


After school Thomas and I agree to meet up at my house. Because he had taken the but to school i drove us there and when i arrived Stiles and Samantha were already home.

So Thomas and I just stayed in the living room and got to business.

It was a pair assignment that is due tomorrow but over the weekend there was too much drama so we couldn't get to finish.

We started discussing the lesson and time was also going.

I glare at my phone its about 7:30 which means mom and Dad will be home soon.

But no worries they don't mind if i hang out with a friend for a school project.

And besides Thomas says his mom will come to pick him up.

The front door open and mom and Dad walk in.

"Hey sweetheart ". Mom says.

She look very tired.

Unlike Dad who works out so it doesn't show.

" Hey mom". I says.

"What are you up to?". Dad ask.

"Doing a school project". I say and hold up what we were working on.

Thomas helped me in case it should fall from my clumsy hands.

His fingers brushed over mine and it sent shivers down my body.

From the night after the party we have been extremely close. All the kids at school are saying we are together but i bet he just think of me as his friend.

"It look beautiful, but why so many sprinkles?". Dad ask.

"Dad is called decoration". I say in defence.

"Yea okay". He says and shrug it off.

The door belly rang and I asked Dad to get it since i was busy putting more decorations on our work.


Theo's POV

I walk to the door because Allison was clearly busy with her boyfriend decorating her project.

I doubt it that they are friends.

When she is around him she behaves different but i act like i don't see anything.

I mean they have to grow up at some point.

Even this morning Stiles was hi thing on Samantha and I act like i didn't know.

Believe me i was a teenager too, i know things.

I open the door and my eyes bludge out of there socket.

I saw someone i thought i would never in my life see again.

I mean we had suck a bad ending.


Her back was turned to me and so she turn around to face me.


"What are you doing here?".

"I came for my son".

"You mean our son ?".

"No technically he is my son, because clearly he has no father". She says sharply

"Thats funny because the last thing i remember was getting you pregnant and then you ran off without a single word, so tell me who is to blame, i tried looking for you but you never wanted to be found".

"I had my reason".

"Yea right, who wouldn't ".

" Dad who is at the door?". Allison asked while walking to the door. "Oh hi you must be here for Thomas". She says politely then went back to the living room.

"Is that your daughter? ". Gabriel asked.

" Yea".

"She look a lot like you".

"No she doesn't, she looks like her mom".

"Her mom?".

"Yea i moved on, twice".

Thankfully Allison came back with Thomas as they laughed at some random thing he said.

"Thank you for having me over Mr Martinez". He says.

"Anytime and please call me Theo".

"Sure and you have a wonderful daughter by the way".

"Oh I'm flattered, but it really runs in the family".

"I can see that".

"See you around son".

"See yah".

And with that said and done he and Gabriel left. He had no clue what i meant by son its not used as a form of statement or respect its for real. He is my son and it hurts because he doesn't know.

And it also hurts because Gabriel kept him from me. Things just got more complicated. And the sad part is when i met Lacey i told her the only woman i ever had was Monica.

How will i tell her that Gabriel is my Ex.


I sat on my bed as Lacey place around the room.

"What are you looking for?". I asked her knowing her all too well

"My slipper , have you see it?".

"I don't think so, from the heated make out session we had yesterday, i think one pair maybe under the bed and the other under the dresser". I told her.

She bent to look and I could see full view of her ass.

I wolf whistle and she got back up blushing. Its nice how i still have that effect on her.

"Am baby, can i talk to you about something? ". I ask her.

" Yea sure what is it? ".

" You remember the boy that was helping Allison just now? ".

" Yea why?".

"His mom came for him".

"And........ ".

" I know her".




I hate these questions.

"She's my ex girlfriend".

"What?????? ".

Hey my babies

Its been a while since i have updated huh

But i hope you liked it

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