You Should Go

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I got up early for the first in a long while and tried to get ready for school.

Amanda was the second person to get up and walked downstairs. I have been waiting for her to come because i need to talk to her.

"Hi Stiles ". She greeted nicely in which i didn't reply to.

" Can i ask you something?".  I Said to her.

She turn to face me as i ushered for her to take a seat.

"Yea sure".

"Why do you stay?".

"Because i want to make up for the time i missed, Stiles to be honest don't you miss me?".

"Wait let me think about it...... Fuck no". I said.

"Stiles, why are you being this way?".

"Let me tell you why, you fucking left when i was like 13 and I thought you were dead for years, now you come back here and think everything can go back to the way it was, but news flash it can so why don't you just go back to where ever the fuck you came from!". I shouted.

"Stiles how many times am i going to have to apologize to you?". She asked with the cracking of her annoying voice.

"As Long As you are in my fucking sight, i will not take it easy on you, fucking traitor". I hissed.


I drove to school by myself and fuck i couldn't concentrate on anything. Of course i tried to go to class but that doesn't mean i heard anything the teacher said.

I just quit classes and stayed outside. I was well known on school so i went to the spot to get high.

I'm sick of this shit.

All of it

I bought about three sticks of weed and lit them one after the other.

By the time i was finished my gaze was filled with rainbows and raining clouds.

Then night fall and to bed i went.


Samantha's POV

I was shocked when some guy ran into my chemistry class and says that something terrible happened.

I follow him out side with permission of the teacher and he led me the most unruly spot on the school where teens went to hire from the world and get high.

Who in their right mind would even go here and I wonder why.

On the ground was some guy. He is was knocked out and his head down like he was asleep.

"You called me here to show me some guy that blocked out?". I asked the guy who brought me here.

"Not only some guy, i think you know him".

I walked closer and turn the guy on the ground over.

Oh my gosh!!!


I shock his are but he didn't budge

Immediately i called Mrs Martinez. Most likely she would get here faster.

A crowd formed around us as i heard a car beep. The guys there helped up Stiles and I follow suit to the car.

When we got to the hospital he was being pushed in the operating room and Mrs Martinez and I had to wait out side.

"What happened?". She asked me.

"I don't know, i was in class when some guy came to me and brought me out side to show me some guy on the ground, when i turned him over it was Stiles, i don't know what happened to him". I said panicking.

My heart rate was rising and I found it hard to breath.

"Calm down, i don't want to have two sick kids to deal with in one day". She says.

"But Stiles is in the hospital and I don't know what to do and I don't know if its because Allison brought my Ex to dinner or what but why would he do this to himself if he....... ".

" Take deep breaths Samantha ". She says" Deep breathe, you should be by his side right now, healthy at his side not on a poor bed like him".

My chest rise and fall as i hurriedly took out my asthma pump.


Hey guys sorry sorry sorry for the late update.

I am soooo sorry

I was kinda busy with my other works.

But what do you think will happen to Stiles. Will he be okay.

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