There Goes My Future

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I spent that day fishing with the girls, keeping my tears in. That night when I got home, I slammed the door and began to cry, not realizing my dad was standing right there.

"What happened Chloe?" my dad asked, concern all over his face.

"I can't tell you dad..." I whispered. How could I tell my parents this? They would be so angry, so disappointed!

"Come on, let's go sit in the kitchen." he spoke lightly, as if I would break if he spoke any louder. I followed him, not really paying attention, "What's wrong Cho?" he asked, saying my nickname.

"Nothing." I said harshly.

"Fine, I'll sit here and guess..." he smiled lightly, "Some guy doesn't like you?" I didn't do anything, just sat there, "You crashed the boat?" I smiled a little, "No? Hmm..... You stole something?" I rolled my eyes, "Of course not.... Are you pregnant?" he asked jokingly, I could feel my eyes go wide, and I tried to hide my fear.

"I'm going to bed dad." I said automatically.

"Chloe." he said.

"What dad?" I groaned.

"Are you pregnant?" his tone was much more serious now.

"Daddy... I didn't mean too.... I got really drunk at that party, and I kind of... Accidentally seduced a guy, and I'm so scared dad...." I cried, my heart was pounding, afraid he would shame me, kick me out, or worse, just say he was disappointed in me...

"Come here Cho." he whispered, pulling me into a tight hug. I broke completely, and bawled my eyes out, drenching my dads' shirt.

"I'm so sorry." I whimpered.

"Eh, shit happens Cho. You'll be okay, mom and I are here for you. You know we make enough money to support you. It'll all work out baby girl." my dad smiled, kissing my head, "You go to bed, and don't worry about telling your mom, I'll let her know, I'm sure she'll be upset, but she will get over it." he laughed.

"You're the best dad." I smiled, wiping away my tears, "I'm going to bed."

"Night sweetie, I love you." he smiled.

"Love you too."


That night I could not fall asleep, no matter how hard I tried. I still had to tell Nick, and he probably would just blow me off and laugh in my face. He was a player, and I should have known better, but I was so drunk....

Lesson #1: Never, EVER, get so drunk you end up pregnant.


A week later, I was at Sara's playing cards with her and Claire. They've been harping me to tell Nick, but I can't ruin his life, his future. Who does that? It's my fault anyway, I seduced him.

"Chloe! Are you listening to me?" Sara barked.

"No, Sara." I rolled my eyes.

"You tell him by Monday, or I will. He deserves to know." she growled.

"He doesn't deserve this though! And he probably won't want anything to do with me!" I shouted.

"Neither do you Chloe, but you two made a mistake, a big one. This is something he needs to know about. And he'll figure it out anyway when you start showing." Claire reasoned.

"Fine, I'll tell him." I sighed, how could I do this? I'm just a kid, I still have to finish high school, go to college. I have to support myself and my baby, I'm not letting my parents take care of it all. They can help, but I'm going to raise my kid, and take care of my own mistakes.

The Story We Told (The Story Of Us Sequel) (ON HOLD)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora