Cold - Zack X Blaze

42 1 37

Just an important reminder: Blaze is a guy. Yes, this is yaoi.

What Blaze and Zack (respectively) somewhat look like on top. I'm too lazy to draw ;v;

Disclaimer: I don't own these pictures. They belong to their respective artists.





Add a slight headache and an occasional sneeze and you'll probably know I got a cold.

I remained lying on my bed, putting my hand on my head every so often for any signs of fever.

Fortunately I don't have any, but gosh my body feels pretty fudging heavy.

I guess I'll just have to thank God we don't have any classes this Friday.

I groaned as my phone beeps repeatedly. I'm supposed to go to the school grounds for a much needed project making with my groupmates, but since I have a cold and my mom doesn't allow me to go since she's at work and no one will fetch me, I thought fudge it. Their probably trying to contact me now wondering where the heck am I.

My messenger beeps again and I got irritated. Phone in hand, I was about to temporarily turn off the notifications when suddenly the screen gets replaced with a face and a call back button.

Oh. Zack's calling.

I tapped the green button and placed the phone on my ear.

"Hey Blaze, where are you?"

I heard his voice clearly albeit the background static and the distant sound of people talking (shouting?) and laughing.

"Hi. Got a co-" I sputtered out a loud cough, throat hurting as I did so.

Just, why?

"Oookay... either you're just having a weird coughing fit or you have a cold."

"Both." I answered tiredly.

"Wow, that sucks." In the background, I can hear a familiar voice. "Zack, where the f*** is he?!

"Gosh, Ky, calm the f*** down. Anyway, your group is also asking if you think you can come tomorrow if you can't come today."

"Mm..." I covered my eyes with my arm in frustration. "I don't fudging know. They can lower my peer grade for all I care. You try attending group meetings with an annoying cold."

"Yeah, yeah, I get you. You with a cold plus a raging Ky will result to you getting more of a headache. I wouldn't accept that and keep you away, of course."

For some reason, I imagined Zack suddenly embracing me, and I blushed. Gosh, this cold messed up my brain more than I thought.

"Blaze?" I snapped out of my embarrassing (and strangely... pleasing?) imagination.

"Y-Yeah?" If Zack noticed my stutter, he ignored it.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03, 2018 ⏰

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