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Thoughts flashed in her mind,

memories of tear stained pillows,

bloody blades and open scars,

days of no hope,

times where she felt as if she may just break beyond healing,

instances where the temptation to end everything was overwhelming.

- You killed me. -  

Her heart was broken beyond recovery, something only the people around her did. It wasn't because of her. It wasn't because of her thoughts. It wasn't because she was weak. It was that she couldn't be strong for long. After all, even the most beautiful of things must end one day. And that's what she exactly did. She ended everything. With pretty white and pink and blue little capsules which she swallowed.


sorry guys, I haven't posted in a long time haha. I was busy with work n stuff but hope u like this chapter!!

t h e  a r t  o f  g i v i n g  u p.Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant