The next morning, I awoke to the new nurse, Allison.

"We're gonna do your vitals, then we're going to check on Dylan. Alright?" She asked.

"Okay." I replied, sitting up carefully. Luke was still sleeping, lightly snoring. I'd love to still be asleep, as I woke up every two hours in the night, plus a few times in between due to contractions.

She measured my heart rate and blood pressure, recording them on the paper she had on a clipboard.

Bella, Emily, Ashton, and Calum were awake, all sipping some coffee. They smiled at the ultrasound, then the heartbeat. She commented that it was quite rapid, before writing down the new details and leaving. Luke had slept through the last two nurse visits, but I didn't mind.

"Are you okay, Mike?" Ashton asked me.

"I'm exhausted. I've been unable to sleep for more than an hour at a time." I answered. I just wanted to be home.

"I'm gonna go get food. What does everyone want?" Bella asked, getting up and stretching and opening up a note thing on her phone.

They all ordered and she turned to me.

"What do you want?" She questioned.

"I don't know. Maybe just some fries. Can you get something for Luke?" I asked.

"Of course. What should I get him?"

"Um, chicken nuggets and fries." I said. She nodded and left after kissing Ashton.

We all talked about childhood memories until Luke woke up, looking at me and smiling.

"Bella went to get food. I had her get you chicken nuggets and fries." I informed him.

"Yay!" He beamed. He got up and went into the bathroom that was in the hospital room.

He brushed his teeth and came back, kissing me gently. Everyone else began brushing their teeth, some splashing their faces and cleaning themselves a little, though there was a shower. I don't think anyone wanted their food to get cold.

"I hope you guys don't feel forced to stay here." I told them after everything had settled down again.

"Of course we don't. We want to be here." Ashton told me.

Bella returned after what felt like ages, and we all quickly ate. I turned the TV on again, this time watching The Simpsons.

When the nurse checked on me and Dylan again, she informed me that the placenta was halfway detached, and that'd I'd probably be having him by the end of the next day, July 21.

Another contraction hit, making me groan.

"We'll have you soon." I told Dylan, and Luke kissed my baby bump.

Throughout the day, nothing changed except more back pain and contractions, and I actually got a full two hour nap in, and another hour after the nurse checked me.

Calum left to go to Pizza Hut for lunch, and Ashton went with him.

I stood up to go brush my teeth and wipe down my body, and to stretch out my legs.

I brushed my teeth for like ten minutes, just because it felt nice. I grabbed one of the rags I had packed, getting it wet with hot water and scrubbing my body. After that, I did cold water, which felt pretty nice. I walked around for a minute, and sat back down with my next contraction.

Emily closed the curtains, and we all silently watched TV until Calum and Ashton returned.

I was getting tired of being in this hospital room, and I was glad I'd be moved to a different one for delivery. I'd probably be moved back to one of these rooms for the couple days after my c section, unfortunately. Plus however long Dylan needed to become stable.

I just wanted to be home.

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