Authors Note

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© 2017 Jessica Morel FOR THE LOVE OF FOOD

All Rights Reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical without express written permission from the author. However, the author explicitly does not own the rights to the image on the book cover and other included images. All credit goes to the rightful owner.

I apologise for any spelling or grammatical mistakes. I would love your feedback but please keep the comments clean. Any rude and distasteful comments will be deleted.


Please don't forget to vote! and Follow me to check out my other stories. JessicaMorel0

For The Love Of Food is a stand alone story but follows the characters Mark Jacobs and Amber Bishop who were introduced in my other work "LIFT GUY"

For The Love Of Food is a stand alone story but follows the characters Mark Jacobs and Amber Bishop who were introduced in my other work "LIFT GUY"

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You don't have to read one before the other or even both but I would love it if you did :)

Please Vote and Comment! I love reading your thoughts!

COMING SOON!! (April 2017)


I look around the lobby. Madison just finished a shoot and it looks like she isn't the only model done for the day. Oh my god. In the corner with a group of other models is the most gorgeous woman I've ever seen. She has that super blonde hair but it looks natural not fake like the girl next to her. She is tanned. The girl looks like she just came from the beach. I'm staring. I can't look away. Oh great Madison noticed.

"Hellllooooooo!" Maddie follows my gaze. Oh my god she just smiled. The gorgeous girl just smiled and I'm pretty sure I just stopped breathing. I wonder what her name is...

"Her name is Amber," Maddie says reading my mind. Amber. Beautiful. Be cool Mark.


"The girl you're staring at"


"I don't know what you are talking about"

"Ok sure," Maddie turns away from me oh god! She is waving at her. I think I'm going to puke, "Hey Amber. Come here a sec"


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