Chapter 3

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The person screaming was a woman, young and healthy by the way she could hold her scream without needing any breath. Soon the footsteps came closer and closer to my room, until someone had finally jerked on the door, trying to close it, and completely leaving me exposed. There was another gunshot and a woman fell into my door way, causing the door to bounce off of her body and swing back towards me. Once it stopped swinging, all I could see of her was her face. I was right before, she was young, no older than 22 with light blonde hair and blue eyes that had a phantasm of light left in them. Ive seen her before, Ive never talked to her, but I always saw her working at the café downstairs. She always seemed like an affable person, and now Ill never have the chance to find out if she was or not, as she laid in my doorway, staring at me with eyes that could not see.

The footsteps of the person following her slowed to a steady walk, coming closer and closer to where I stood, unable to move without giving myself away. I stood motionless as he trotted over her as if she was nothing and came into my room. The man that entered my room was at least over 5'6" and was wearing all back. With him he brought the strong stench of something dank and in his left hand he held a pistol. Even though he wore a mask and gloves I couldnt help but feel that I knew him.

He quickly scanned the room, looking for something and his eyes fell upon the open window. He took a brisk pace towards the window and looked down at the fire escape, and upon noticing the jacket he swore loudly. He turned around and started to pace back and forth across the room, coming closer and closer to the place where I was hiding. I stood motionless, holding my breath, knowing that all he had to do was look up and then he'd find me, and I wouldnt have a way out either.

Another pair of footsteps came running down the hallway, slowing as they got closer to my room. Another man walked into my room, he was tall like the other man, but didnt wear a mask. His hair was wavy and a mahogany brown, I probably wouldve thought him to be very attractive, if he wasnt running around my boarding house and potentially killing everyone.

The second man scanned the room also, noticing the open window and his partner and came to the same conclusion that someone had gotten away. He swore, and walked over to his masked partner.

"Where did she go?" He asked, seemingly furious.

Who are these people? I wondered

"I dont know, she mustve climbed down the fire escape when she heard the gunshots. She could be anywhere by now." The masked partner told him, he hung his head low and continued. "I'm sorry, I know I shouldnt have fired at those people, but they were gonna call the cops! I guess I wasnt thinking about it being heard."

"Yeah you obviously werent thinking Matt! Now we lost the girl, which means we lost our 20 grand! Go down the fire escape to see if you can tell where she went, maybe well get a lead on her somehow." He ordered his partner, who was apparently named Matt.

As Matt climbed through the window and down the fire escape, the man walked around my room, looking at photos on my desk of my friends and me at the fair, my parents, my cat, he walked throughout the entire room until every detail was taken in twice. His phone started to ring in his pocket, playing an old Motown song. He fished it out of his pocket and opened it, glancing at the message and walked out, furious at what the message said. He rushed out of the room, slamming the door after him and bringing me out of my hiding place.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2018 ⏰

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