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I sit as still as I can, not wanting to even brush against the guy sitting next to me. I am afraid that if I touch him at all he will get offended and hate me even more than he already seems to. I am still in my basketball uniform, my hair in a Dutch braid to the side, and my large glasses perched on the tip of my small nose. I did reapply deodorant and perfume before we left to go to the restaurant, but that doesn't stop me from shying away from the practically perfect guy sitting next to me.

Not like my efforts have worked at all. He is sharing fries with Yoongi, meaning that they placed the container right in front of me. Whenever he reaches across to grab some, his arm brushes mine. It sends little shocks of electricity down my spine, making me jump every time he makes contact with my skin. I try and focus on only eating my burger, but he is making it an unnecessarily hard thing to do.


I look over at Charles as he snickers, him eyeing my face with a smirk on his face. I raise a single eyebrow in confusion, wondering what the heck he could want. Soma is looking at me with horror on her face, her eyes wide as she stares at me.

"What? Spit it out!"

Yoongi puts his finger underneath my chin before turning my head so that I am facing him in my seat. My eyes widen as he studies my face before a small smirk appears on his lips. He pats me cheek before chuckling, shaking his head in what looks like disbelief.

"You are always getting stuff on your face stupid."

I pout as he brings a napkin up to his mouth before wetting it slightly with his tongue. I cringe in repulsion as he uses his own saliva to clean whatever the hell was on my face. I appreciate that he is looking out for me, but I hate it when he insists on using his spit to clean stuff off of my face. It's absolutely disgusting in my opinion. Why does he insist on using his saliva when there is a perfectly fine glass of water right there?

"Yah! Oppa! You know I hate it when you do that!"

He chuckles before doing it again, wetting the napkin as he attempts to put it on my face again.

"Do what? This?"

I can't help the little squeal that escapes from my mouth as I try and avoid his advances, swatting at his hands as they try and keep me still. My smile is wide and genuine as I finally manage to knock the napkin from his hands, grabbing onto his wrists and holding them as tightly as I can.

"Let go of me fatty. I don't want your nasty hands on my skin."

I scoff at his statement, letting go and sticking my tongue out at him.

"Bitch where? You were always the fat one you hoe. Fine. I didn't want to touch your crusty ass hands anyway."

I freeze when I hear a laugh from behind me, the sound in itself enough to make me cheeks heat up. This is the first time I have ever heard Jungkook laugh, and it is making me weak in the knees. Literally. If I was standing, I am pretty sure I would have melted to the ground in a puddle. I turn and stare at Jungkook as he laughs, his teeth fully on display. It's absolutely beautiful. His smile is genuine and sweet, his front teeth a little bit larger than the rest. His eyes are clenched shut as he tries to calm himself down, his arm wresting on the back of my chair for support.

"Hahaha oh my gosh hyung! You and your girlfriend are so funny!"

I nearly choke. Girlfriend? He thinks that we are dating. I look at Yoongi and see my look of complete and utter disgust reflected on his face. He pretends to gag as I try and keep the bile from rising to the surface, my eyes shut tightly in discomfort.

"Yoongi and I dating? Never!"

I massage my temples as Yoongi finally sits up straight, putting his hand on my shoulder. We both shudder and he removes his hand, the both of us trying to forget what Jungkook just said. I think I'm going to be scarred for life after tonight.

" bad hyung, Yumi-ssi."

I watch as Yoongi shakes his head, opening his mouth to no doubt change the subject.

"What about your girlfriend Jungkook? How is Lisa?"

I freeze, my eyes wide as I stare at the table in front of me. He's dating Lisa? I had a feeling that he was too gorgeous to not have a girlfriend, but I was really hoping that he didn't. And she just had to be the prettiest and most desired girl at our school as well.

Lisa is the very definition of perfect. If you looked up the word in the dictionary, her face would be plastered across the entire page. She is insanely pretty with a perfect figure. She is known around the school as the cheerleading captain, her dancing that of legends. She rapped and danced with her best friends in the talent show last year and totally slayed the competition. I really want to hate her, but I can't. She has an amazing personality and is nice to practically everyone.

I don't know why hearing that Jungkook has a girlfriend hurts so much. I can feel my heart as it breaks in my chest, my throat clogged with emotion as I try and swallow. I can't let them see me like this.

I stand from my seat, my chair scraping loudly against the tile flooring. Everyone's eyes go to me as I bow in apology, stepping backwards as I start to retreat.

"I just have to use the restroom."

My eyes meet Jungkook's before I turn around, not missing the barely concealed fascination and repulsion gleaming in them, no doubt him thinking about how my head almost hit the fan again. I bite my lip as I walk towards the bathroom, my hands rubbing at my arms as I try and keep myself together. I shouldn't be surprised that he is dating the most popular girl in school. I should have known that he wouldn't want to date me. I'm not even that attractive to be honest. No one would want to date me;

I'm too tall.

Too Tall: BTS Jungkook FF Where stories live. Discover now