New Leaf in the Wind.

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I decided to put the weapons first in this story

Alex's pistol -

Alex's sword -

Alex's Devil weapon -

Alex's pistols(Oak and Ash):

It all started 22 years ago when a Demon Lord had his child with his wife. They gave him the name Alex, but Alex never did want to be a prince because he knew what horrid things the demons did to humans. And this is how it all started....

Alex stared out into the big forests outside of his Fathers castle. "I hate it here, I wish i could just leave." Alex said clenching his fists in anger. He stared at a battle nearby of four kids fighting a black figure. Alex walked back into the castle in a white suit with a upsid down black cross on the center and a white cape attached to it. Alex sat in his room playing with a knife. "Alex come out here now!" said Alex's father and he walked out saying "What do you want father?". His father pointed at the black figure attacking the children and his father stated "That is my apprentice, and those are demonic children i am hunting down so i can-" and Alex interrupted and said "And what harness their powers? Youd do the same to me if i were not your son, because im part demon.... wouldnt you?". Alex walked off and shut his door to his room. " I cant stand it here any longer!" said Alex packing a bag. It was 1:00 A.M. when Alex leaped out of his window over the gates running into the woods. He smiles looking back but saw demon guards chasing him. Alex ran for his life trying to excape the guards but one grabbed his 13 year old body and held it back. All of a sudden a tatoo formed on his back and magically formed a sword in his hand. Alex began slashing the guards apart and ran off again. His sword disapeard back into his tatoo and Alex said "I guess this is where it all begins....."

9 years passed since Alex ran away and he was now 22, and a demon hunter. Alex walked through the forest, relaxed when then he pulled out his pistol and began shooting a demon behind him. He jumped onto the dmeons head and backflipped off of it still shooting it. He landed and stopped shooting and saying "I have to admit, pretty impressive... but I could hear you coming.". Alex grinned ducking under another demon jumping over him grabbing its leg throwing into a tree shooting in the chest. Alex's sword formed on his back and he put his gun back in his jacket and pulled his sword off his back. "Funny thing with you demons is that you cant ever fight right, i think you should crawl back to your little forbidden world and practice before you fight me again." Alex said watching the demons ready themselves. "Guess you demons got no brains, well what do i expect from you ugly morrons." Alex said rushing at the demons stabbing into one and then throwing it into another, swing his sword around slashing into the rest. He put his sword on his back and backflipped back pulling out his gun shooting the last 3 in the head. "Well i guess that settles it, dont you agree" Alex said shooting one behind him. His sword disapeared into his tatoo and he put his gun back into his jacket walking off. He walked into a small town looking around seeing a bar. He walked to the bar saying "Maybe i can get some food there.". "Wow Zin hes cute." said Alli looking at Alex ontop of a roof. "Really Alli? Kane died almost 9 months ago and he told us to make sure you dont get into any trouble.". "Please Zin, im 19 i think i can handle a boy" Alli said looking mad at her sister. Alex ordered a sandwich and a glass of water, and he sat down and began eating it. Alex saw Dante sit down in a chair next to him. "Hello, whats with the guitar case? You a singer or something?" Alex said looking at Dantes guitar case hanging on his shoulder and Dante responded by saying sarcastically "Ya im thinking of going pro.". A explosion went off making a hole in the wall at the side of the bar. Alex kept eating his sandwich and dante just sat their relaxed. Dante opened his guitar case and swung out his sword rebellion and began slashing the demons. Zin and Alli burst in with their weapons and begun fighting as well. Demons snuck up behind Zin and Alli and Dante yelled "Look out!". When the girls turned around they saw the demons getting shot in the head, flying backwards to the wall. Alex held his gun at the ready and rushed at the demons shooting them. Alex spun his gun around putting it back in his jacket, making his sword form on his back pulling it off slashing the demons. Alex sideflip slashed the last 3 demons in half standing up straight making his sword disapear into his tatoo. "Well looks like this town could have some fun here after all!" said Alex looking at the siblings. "Hello, whats your guy's names?" said Alex and Dante responded by saying "My names Dante, these are my sisters Zin, and Alli". "Whats your name?" said Alli and Alex responded by saying "Just call me Hunter for now.". Dante slid rebellion back into his guitar case and slung it on his back walking off with Alex, Zin, and Alli following. "Hunter, hmm thats a strange name dont ya think?" said Dante and all Alex did was shrug.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03, 2014 ⏰

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