Chapter 6

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 "Zermia?!" A voice called out, cutting through the orchestra of rain with crystal clarity.

No, was all I managed to think in response to her voice. A millisecond dissolved into the rain, and I thought, hoped that I had imagined the tentative shout.

"Zermia?!" She called again, and I sucked in a breath at the sound of her sweet, haunting voice, real as ever.

Novashi, go back inside, I screamed internally, but I didn't dare answer her out loud. The two shadows were still lingering at the crack of the door, keeping me cradled against the back of the closet, my left shoulder pressing into the unyielding wall. Novashi had caused them to hesitate, but in a moment, they would make a decision and one of our lives would be utterly destroyed.

I tried to be angry at Novashi for stupidly coming after me, but in the end, I only had myself to blame. I couldn't fault her for coming after me. I would've done the same for her.

"I thought you said she climbed onto the roof," the woman's voice snapped, from the other side of the closet door. I could feel the vampires' presence, my skin creeping in response to their close proximity.

I'm in here! I wanted to shout to the woman but couldn't find my voice. If I handed myself over now, maybe they'd realize Novashi wasn't the one they wanted. Or they'd take us both.

"But I saw..." A man's voice responded.

"Oh, forget what you saw! Let's just go get her," the woman retorted. The shadows by the door disappeared, and I listened helplessly as they walked away. I couldn't move. I could hardly breathe. They were going to get her. Novashi. My best friend. And I couldn't move a freaking muscle.

"No! You can't take me! I didn't do anything wrong! Please!" Novashi screamed. The rain tried to drown her out, but I could hear every word, as if she was standing next to me.

I pushed my right palm against the wall, willing myself to move forward. I only succeeded in smearing mildew. Weak. When had I become so useless? Normally, my instincts had me springing into action. Now, in the moment when it mattered most, they were keeping me glued to a filthy wall.

I clenched my hand into a fist and beat it against the concrete. This stupid. Filthy. Wall.

My hand relaxed and tears streamed down my face as I listened to them drag my best friend away. Her screaming morphed into whimpers. The helplessness in her voice tore at me with its claws. Each whine came softer and softer, until finally, silence fell, like an echo of her freedom. Even the rain seemed to have momentarily stopped.

I scratched at the mud laden walls with my fingernails, but it didn't make a sound.


I waited in the closet until the bell for lunch. Students were still permitted to leave school for lunch, even if most didn't want to take the risk of not returning in time. Still, no one questioned me when I sprinted away from the school.

I snuck in through the back of my house, but my parents didn't seem to be around. My mom was probably home from work and already in bed. My dad was probably at the shop. I was glad I wouldn't have to confront them. It meant they wouldn't talk me out of what I was about to do, and I wouldn't have to lie about what I was doing, either. At least, not to their faces. I couldn't bear the idea of leaving them to forever wonder what had happened to me, denying them any hope of closure. I left a note, explaining that I had requested to be transported to my new town early. I told them that Novashi had been taken to be a Vein, and I felt there was nothing left for me here. Putting off my departure would only cause more pain. I said I couldn't bear the thought of saying good-bye, and I apologized for my selfishness. I was confident the Travelers/vampires wouldn't tell them the truth, once they discovered I was missing. They wouldn't want to plant the idea of escape or rebellion into people's heads.

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