Chapter 25

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***Sorry that this chapter is a little late! I was distracted because I am visiting with my family. Enjoy!***

Halfway through the night, I stopped by Vince's office and propped myself up on the edge of the doorway. "You know, I've been receiving a number of complaints about Camoof." This wasn't a complete lie, since the patrons clearly didn't like him. They didn't exactly directly say anything bad about him, but he never received requests, and occasionally requests would come in the form of "anyone but him." However, the person who he gave the most trouble was me, which is why I'd been keeping quiet about it.

"Camoof," Vince mused, "Is that the annoying one? The one you don't like?" Okay, so maybe I hadn't been completely quiet about my dislike toward him, but Vince knew that my complaints were just part of my coping mechanism.

I nodded. "Your business is becoming more and more popular. People of greater importance are starting to come here. They're bringing their business associates to make good impressions. I'm afraid that Camoof doesn't fit in with the impression they want to make. Before, when we were just getting started, we were able to get away with keeping him around. People expected lower quality Veins. But now..."

"You think we should sell him," Vince deduced. Smart guy.

I nodded. "It's in the best interest of the restaurant."

"Dana doesn't seem to find him a problem." His tone was serious, but as soon as I gave him a "really?" look, he laughed. When his chuckles died down, he said, "I agree with you, but he might be a little difficult to sell."

"Yeah, I can see how that would be an issue." I pretended to be stumped by this.

Nes materialized at the perfect moment, pushing through the door that led from the lobby. "Nova! How have you been?" She strode toward me, holding her arms open. For a confused and frightening moment, I thought she had used my real name. Then I realized that "Nova" was only my alias.

"Good. How...oh, okay we're hugging." I awkwardly patted her on the back.

Vince rose from his chair and crossed to the other side of his desk. "Nes, it's always a pleasure to see you." He outstretched his arm, which was adorned with the rolled up cuff of a dress shirt, and shook hands with her.

"And I, you. Your business has certainly been doing well."

"I sure hope so. We both have been working hard enough for it. We had to hire another person already," Vince said.

"Has everything been running smoothly, I hope?" Nes asked.

I could tell Vince was about to claim his business was in perfect condition, so I quickly jumped in. "Nothing major. We do have a difficult Vein on our hands, though. We were thinking of selling him, but we weren't sure that anyone would want to buy him."

"Hmm. I have always loved a challenge," Nes said with a slick smile that made me wonder if she actually did take pleasure in taming unruly humans.

Vince perked up. "You're considering buying him?"

Nes thought for another moment, then said, "Yes, I think I will."

Vince scurried to sit behind his desk. "Nova, go retrieve the boy. Nes, why don't you have a seat and we can work out the details?"

"Sure," I said, leaving them to their bartering.

I tapped on my earphone to call the house in the dome. "Camoof, you are needed at the restaurant. Please leave immediately." I waited a couple minutes, but no one responded. "Camoof, if you are not here in 45 minutes, your shock chip will activate." I waited again, and after a few seconds, his voice came on the other end.

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