Occupied Thoughts

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Lukas' POV:

    I clicked my pen in and out repeatedly as I tried to pay attention to the teacher. As much as I wanted to take notes on what was going on, my mind was too preoccupied. And by none other than Jesse herself. I don't know why she of all people would be the one to take up my thoughts. The last time we had even directly had a conversation was years ago. I was much happier with my ocelot friends. We were the cool kids. The ones everyone wants to be. The ones who you want to like you.

    And yet I couldn't help but miss the friendship that me and Jesse had shared. A real friendship. Not the kind that was about what you wear and what your social status is. I sighed as I leaned back in my seat. I don't even know what happened back in seventh grade. All I remember is we left school as best friends and when summer was over, I was with Gill, Maya and Aiden and Jesse was with Olivia(they didn't meet until high school.) I know Jesse had constantly tried to stay friends, but in an attempt to fit in with my new friends, I always ignored her. After a while, she just gave up.

    "Hey, man, what's going on? You're usually a total nerd in chemistry." I looked over to see Aiden smirking at me and sighed. "Yeah. Just... thinking about other stuff," I said. He kept smirking. "Stuff like...?" he asked. "I don't really want to talk about it," I said, turning back to face the teacher. Aiden took the hint that the conversation was over and turned back too. No way could I tell him that I was thinking of Jesse. He and the rest of my group hate her and her friends. And I know she feels the same way towards us. She used to think I was different, but after a while, she started to believe I was like them too.

Jesse POV:

    I subconsciously slammed my locker shut as I started walking to the library. I really needed to break the habit of slamming things shut. I had a major chemistry test tomorrow and I was really on edge about it. The hallway was pretty crowded, and I was struggling to weave my way around everyone without running into them when an arm reached out and blocked my path. I looked to see who had stopped me to find Aiden and his friends. Just great.

    "Aiden, move. I need to study," I said. "I don't know why you're even gonna bother. You're gonna fail the test anyway," he snickered. I once again rolled my eyes. "That was an awful insult. Come back when you'll actually say something I give a damn about," I said, trying to push through. He didn't budge. I growled and cursed under my breath. He towered over me as he took a step closer. "Oh, Jesse. I'm hurt. Wounded," he mocked. I growled under my breath as Maya and Gill snickered, but before I said anything someone put their hand on Aiden's shoulder. I saw Lukas come up from behind him.

    "Aiden, come on. Let's just go. We should be studying too," he said. Aiden turned back to me with a glare. "You're lucky I'm busy," he said. Before I could make a comeback he turned on his heels and walked away, Maya and Gill following behind. Instead of following them like I expected him too, Lukas turned to my and scratched the back of his head. "Um... sorry about that," he said. I turned my attention back to him. "If you were actually sorry, you would've stopped him before he even started," I said. He sighed.

    "Listen, Jesse. I'm really sorry about what I did. I really am. Can we just... put that whole thing behind us and be friends?" he asked. I rolled my eyes. "The last time I tried that it didn't end very well," I said, crossing my arms. "I know. And I said I was sorry. I miss our friendship. I miss you. I just... wish things could go back to the way they were. Just... please give me another chance," he pleaded. My gaze remained hard.

    "Lukas, I spent months trying to give you 'second chances.' And now, after five years of not talking to me, after five years of hanging out with the people who go out of there way to make my life hell, after five years of having no remorse for embarrassing me and ditching me, you all of a sudden want to be friends again? Sorry, Porter, but you lost your chance long ago," I yelled. Before he could say anything, I turned around and walked the other way. I guess I'll be taking the long way to the library.

Never Will I Ever(A Lukesse Fanfic)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя