Chapter 3: An Invite

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As aphmau walked home she thought of all scenario' s that could possibly play out at school. She was worried she might let something slip but she thought of more positive things to reassure herself. She reached her door and walked inside. She looked at the clock to see the time was 7:38pm. She hadn't really bought anything to cook with so she just ordered a small plain pizza. After her call she sat down on her couch untied her converse and three into the corner of the room."knock knock knaknock knock, knock knock" aph heard coming from her door. She wondered who it could be as she got up rubbing her forehead. She walked to the door unlocked it and opened it. She saw a mother looking figure standing there with three boys behind her. One the tallest had Sandy blond hair that flowed with the wind and sea blue eyes that you might mistake for the waves of the ocean. The next smaller than the first with hair the color of an oak, brown, with green eyes like leaves. The last had jet black hair like the coat of a wolf's that covered half of his face with ice blue eyes one like a wolf's holding the same ferocious glare. Aph stood there quite surprised not knowing how to respond. She said " May I help you?" Politely in an inviting way. "Why yes see we would like to invite you to dinner has a welcome gesture. We would like to know if you will except are invitation, we did see you did all of that work unpacking." Aph thought for a second then she said, um can you give me five minutes? I'll be right over, "I just have to do something quick." Aph smiled as the mother nodded and turned and went back to her home. Aph   closed the door and rushed to put her shoes back on. She then grabbed a hair brush and quickly ran it through hair. She was worried about the pizza yesterday, she would just leave money at the door and eat it tomorrow. She then ran to sink splashed her face and dried it off this a paper towel. She looked at her phone and than ran right out the door. She walked over to the dark blue house she saw checked her phone again to see an update notification, she ignored it as she walked up the porch steps. She knocked 3 times and the blond boy opened the door. "Hey, come in." He smiled as he said it. His voice was smooth and soothing. She came in to see everyone standing up and talking to each other. The mom was talking to everyone trying to calm the atmosphere. When Aph walked in with the blond boy it got quiet and everyone started to sit down. They all sat down and Aph  sat next oak tree haired boy. She said a quick hi and he smiled back. Then the mom said "Hi, we don't know your name but you don't our names either so would you all introduce yourselves" she said aim her gave at wolf boy  as Aph liked to call him. Tree boy spoke first, " I'm Vlyad, you?" Vlyad asked as his eyes danced to the curious tune. "Aph" Aph said and smiled. Blond boy said " Garroth" and finally wolf boy mumbled something couldn't really hear. The mom coughed and stared at wolf boy but he didn't speak. "It's ok I don't mind, I'll call you Mac tíre buachaill." Aph smiled at him as she saw his eye (visible one) look confused. She just smiled inside feeling the urge to soothe him out of his uneasiness. She had restraint though she learned that over time mending is better. So she just went silent. So wolf boy said "I like that name." He said. I nodded and then the mom got up and said "I'll get the food," then Aph got up and said "I'll help" she then headed to the kitchen following the mom. They each got trays of food and put them on the table then they each sat down, Aph then thought of the separation trap she just fell into, but she blew it off. They had roast, potatoes, vegetables it was wonderful. Aph had two slices of roast, a baked potato, and turnip and carrot mush stuff. She told them that the food was wonderful. She said the dinner was wonderful thanked them for the invite and went back to her house and went to sleep. As she slept she dreamt of school, possibilities and everything. She knew school would be either a flight or fight situation but she just forgot in the morning.

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