WGM ep. 23

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Location: MBC building

"People are asking where we would go if we were to go on vacation together," Jin said. Miga clapped her hands excitedly, "Well now I want to go on a trip with you."

Miga made a thinking face before answering, "I'd probably want to go to my hometown or somewhere in China."

Interview room

"By this time, I was thinking: no way, we're not going on a vacation right?? The production crew wouldn't be THAT obvious right?"

MBC building

A red envelope appears on the bottom of the screen. Miga stretches an arm out limply. "Eh, it's so far away." Jin stares before getting the envelope.

The panelists laugh.

Jin opens the envelope as Miga reaches out for it. Jin, however, turns around so she can't see the envelope. "I got the card, I'm going to read it first."

"Oppaaaaa, why can't I?" Miga asked using aegyo.

A small box shows up in the corner of Dezi curling her fingers as all the other panelists squeal and make weird sounds.

Jin just smiled but continued to read. His eyebrows furrowed halfway through.

"I'm curious! What's on that card that made him have that expression?" Park Misun asked, leaning into the screen.

"What?" Miga asks, seeing Jin's expression. Jin gave the paper to Miga, who read it. Her reaction was about the same as Jin's.

Interview room

"I saw Jin's expression and I was really curious what was going on. I didn't even understand most of the paper. I just read some words." Miga held up her fingers as if she were pinching something. "Like, I only read a small portion."

Somebody from behind the camera asked Miga, "Then were you surprised by what you read?" Miga nodded, "Of course I was. Who wouldn't be?"

"I really want to know what's making them so shocked!"


Jin played around with the envelope before dumping it upside down and shaking it. Two slips of paper fluttered onto the couch.

He picked them up and a picture of the papers showed up on half of the screen.

"Are those plane tickets?"

Interview room

"So it turns out that the crew CAN be that obvious." Miga laughed. Somebody from behind the camera asked her, "What were you thinking then?"

"I was mainly thinking about how in the world they were able to get us tickets. I feel so excited, though! I mean, going back to China, and this time with Jin..." Miga trailed off.

The same question was asked to Jin. Jin just stared out at blank space for a while before answering. "Uhh, I thought 'But I don't understand Chinese.' Then I got excited because I thought about the food. I really like Chinese food."

The screen went black and white captions showed up. The very next day.

Anybody could tell from the poor camera work that it was self-filmed. "Annyeong," Jin waved to the camera after looking up from his phone. He pulled the phone out of the charger and stuffed it into his pocket. "I'm just getting ready to go to the airport. Do you like my outfit?" Jin strikes a pose, earning a laugh from the audience.

Jin opens the suitcase that was laid out on the floor and packs the phone charger into a pocket. "Let's see, did I pack enough?" Jin checks the contents in his suitcase before giving a thumbs up to the camera.

Right before Jin is about to reach for his backpack, he stops. "Forgot this." He rummages through his drawer before taking out his passport.

"Well, that would have been horrible if he had forgotten it."

"Okay, I think I'm done. Time to go to the airport!" Jin smiles.

The screen goes black again before displaying another camera shot. Meanwhile...

"Ahh, is this on?" The screen only shows the bottom half of Miga's face.

"Yah, Miga, find a prettier angle!" Dezi yells at the screen.

The camera zooms out a little and Miga fixes her hair before continuing. "Currently, it is..." Miga reaches for her phone and shows it to the camera, "Four-fifteen. I woke up really early to prepare for the plane ride."

She sets the camera on the bed and sits on the floor next to her suitcase. "Wahh, I'm sooo excited right now! I haven't been to China in almost a year now, so I'm bringing a lot of things with me."

She proceeds to show some of the things she brings on trips. "Unfortunately, I won't be visiting my family," She sighs and pouts, "But oh well, I can still see Yang Yang on the shows and everything."

"Uhh, I guess this is the end of Miga's self-cam. Bye!" Miga waves before struggling to turn off the camera. "Is this the off button?" She mumbles quietly. The panelists laugh. A static sound was made before the screen turned black.

Filming isn't allowed in the airport, but here are some pictures taken from fans.

A slideshow of pictures proceeded to flash on the screen. Then, a self-filmed video of Jin and Miga occupied the screen. Miga waves to the camera, leaning onto Jin's shoulder. "So right now, we're on the plane getting ready to fly to China!" Jin turns to face Miga, "Are you excited?" Miga nods, "Of course I am! I'll finally be able to speak the language I'm most comfortable with."

"Did you study some Chinese?" Miga asks Jin. Jin made a face, "A bit. Ni hao ma." Miga started laughing at Jin's pronunciation.

"Mwoya, it sounds good to me," Eric says. "That's just because you're not a native speaker."

"Okay, we have to go now, the plane's taking off soon," Jin says. Miga waves, "Byyyeeee." The video cuts to a shot of Miga sleeping, her head leaning on the plane's window. "And here we have a wild Miga, resting as she-ahhh," Jin's voice came up from behind the camera. The camera's view blurred before it cleared again. There was laughter in the background. "Gosh, I thought I was going to drop it. Sorry camera-sii."

The video fades and a sound is playing in the background before another video clip is played. Welcome to Shanghai, China. Jin slowly lifted his head up at the sound. His eyes still half-closed, he turned his head.

"Yah, don't film me," Jin put a hand on the camera. Miga giggled in the background. "Relax, you look fine."

The next shot, both of them were in a car. Shots and videos showcasing the city of Shanghai played as the panelists marveled over the view.

Destination: Shanghai, China read the captions and slowly everything began to fade. The next episode's preview began to show and the panelists clapped. "Bye, and we hope to see you all next week!"

A/N: Urgs I'm experiencing a slight writers block. And so much pressure in school I have two major projects due in two days T.T

The future scares me.

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