Thank You!!

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I don't know really how to say this and I really don't want to type out a complete essay saying how much I'm thankful of everything so I'm just going to say it:

Thank You
Xie xie
*says thank you in 36 different languages*

Like seriously, I'm so thankful for every single read that I got and I'm thankful for every vote and every comment.

Over 25k reads, 500 votes, and 100 comments is really a dream for a small, amauter writer such as myself and I can't believe so much people would read this cringe.

This was completely unedited and I know that there's a bunch of spelling errors and grammatical errors, but I'm not going to edit it since I don't have the time and I'll just cringe the entire time. 

Besides that, I want to say sorry for not really replying to comments but that's mainly because:

1) I'm an unsocial bean who can't really talk to people I don't know
2) I usually type out stories on my laptop, but do everything else involving Wattpad on my phone and for SOME REASON (probably because I have a crappy phone) I can't reply to comments (or comment in general) without having something glitch

but I read EVERY SINGLE comment and I laughed and cringed and related to every one. 

Okay, and LAST OF ALL I'm planning on having this be a series and write a WGM for all the members of BTS. Y'all can comment on whatever member you guys want next. I have the plots for most of the members ready (except for J-Hope and V) so I'm okay with anything. It's all just a matter of what order and everything.

If no one says anything ( it's alright I'm used to being ignored anyway *sobs in a corner*) then I'm probs gonna go in order age-wise and publish Yoongi's next.

... that's it basically. I'm just going to say another big THANK YOU and yeah, that's it. This was a great chapter.

(Okay I'm done)

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