Jack Maynard

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Okay, so I've been listening to Conor covers and stuff for a while, but I have just recently (about 2 months ago) found out about Jack. Which is weird. I mean, if I listened to Conor so much, why wouldn't I have known of Jack? Well anyways, I've been obsessed with him lately. Not like in the girl crazed way. Like "ohmigod he's so hot" way. Just that I really enjoy watching his videos. But my favorite part about him is that he can go from being extremely good-looking to completely hideous in a second. And I love people who are funny. (But I still honestly like Conor better.) And oh my gosh, his haiiirrr. He has the hair of a god. How does he do it. But my favorite color he has had was when he dyed it white. And I also liked when it started to grow out so it looked kind of like frosted tips, which I love btw.

But, in summary, I still think I like Conor better because he is soooo funny. He has so much personality to him. He can make anyone laugh. And Jack is a man-whore. He posted on his snapchat about two hours ago a video of him at a club kissing two girls and stuff like that. Wether he was drunk or what was happening, he is still a man whore. So, therefore, I still love Conor. Again, neither in the fangirl way. I just wish they were my best friends. Because they seem so nice and funny. And because if you're British, I'm going to want to be around you. I'm attracted to British people, in a love kind of way or just friendly, I love British people so much.

I'm going to leave y'all alone now after my rant about how much I love these British brother.

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