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So I wanted to address something. I recently liked someone. As in seriously considered talking to this person and hanging out with them. We talked for a week, he was super sweet, treated me right, and complimented me every time he got the chance. I always mumbled on about how someone was always better than me, but by his actions I thought, he'll never leave me. Right? Well after only a week of talking, he decided to go to ol Yas's house and try to beat him up. I showed my concern and told him not to get hurt, only for him to tell me to "lay off" and "calm down". You see, this is where I figured out he was with HIS EX. (and two other girls). So I tried talking to him about it and he wasn't taking it seriously. Things were said and now it's over. This is the story of how I actually thought someone seriously liked me, but I figured out he was a douche.

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