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Was this how it felt to die? This ache of body and mind in the darkness? 

Danny felt disembodied, strangely unconnected to the pains he felt. Was he in the afterlife? Did more really exists beyond his life?

Slowly... slowly memory began to return. Something had gone wrong. Something Space Corps had not counted on and happened. So that meant... he wasn't dead? He was feeling things with his real body and aching head. 

Danny forced his heavy eyes open. He was strapped into a chair. But a different chair. This one didn't have arm and leg restraints. Disorganized images and sounds presented themselves to him in a rush of numbing information. 

Danny squeezed his eyes shut, focusing on what he could feel. 

He felt the rumbling vibration of an engine. The secure straps around his shoulders and chest. The feeling of cold air being blown at him from nearby vents. 

A ship. He was on a ship. 

Danny opened his eyes again and managed to turn his head to look at who was flying. It was a man. A tall thin man with silver white hair. 

"Who... are you?" Danny croaked. 

"A friend, my boy," the man replied, keeping his eyes focused on his driving. 

"A friend to you and your kind."

"Where are... Where are we going?"

"Don't worry about that little Halpha. I'm taking you somewhere safe."

He turned to look at Danny. Danny felt a small shock penetrate the cloud of numbness and confusion as he saw the man's eyes. A deep glowing red.

"You need to rest. We've got a long journey ahead of us."

Even thought there were countless questions Danny burned to ask, exhaustion returned to overwhelm him. He didn't know how. He didn't know why. But he was alive to fight another day. 

And in the dark embrace of deep space, the battered Halpha slept. 

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