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It's a quiet, peaceful Monday morning in Faketown, Connecticut.

It's 6:29 A.M. and Bobby Mackenzie and his older brother Tyler are sound asleep in their bedrooms. Their mother, Lindsey, had decided to get up early this morning to cook them breakfast before the first day of the new school year.

One minute later, Bobby's alarm clock goes off. Without looking, Bobby reaches over and shuts off the alarm.

He opens his eyes and sits up.

"GOOOOOOOOD MORNING, VIETNAM!" Bobby shouts excitedly.

He gets out of bed, and walks to the kitchen where he sees Lindsey standing over the stove.

"Good morning, sweetie." Lindsey says smiling. "Could you go wake up Tyler please?"

"You got it, dude!" Bobby says, smiling and giving a thumbs up.

Bobby runs to Tyler's room, and shakes him until he wakes up.

Tyler yawns and opens his eyes.

"Hey, little bro." Tyler says groggily. "Are you ready for your first day of middle school?"

Bobby nods and smiles.

Tyler gets out of bed and heads to the kitchen with Bobby.

"Good morning, sleepyhead." Lindsey says to Tyler. "You ready for your first day of eighth grade?"

"As ready as I'll ever be." Tyler answers.

"I've made your favorite breakfast this morning, Bobby." Lindsey says.

"Steak and eggs and eggs and steak. That's what you should have for breakfast." Bobby says in a sing-song fashion.

"Delicious!" Tyler and Lindsey exclaim simultaneously.

"Steak and eggs and eggs and steak.
Just making sure you heard." Bobby continues.

"I got it!" Tyler and Lindsey, again, exclaim simultaneously.

They all laugh as Lindsey puts bits steak and eggs on two plates and serves Bobby and Tyler.

After they eat, Lindsey drives them to school, and drops them off at the front entrance.

"If anything bad happens, make sure to have someone call me." Lindsey says to Tyler before driving off.

"I know the drill." Tyler says.

Lindsey drives off, and Bobby and Tyler head into the school.

"You got your schedule, little bro?" Tyler asks Bobby.

Bobby nods his head.

"Good. We have about thirty minutes before first period starts. I wanna go around and meet all your teachers." Tyler explains.

"O...k-kay." Bobby stutters.

Bobby and Tyler head to Bobby's first period classroom and approach the teacher, Mrs. Murdoch.

"Oh, hey, Tyler." Mrs. Murdoch says smiling.

"Hey, Mrs. Murdoch. How are you?" Tyler asks.

"I'm doing great. How are you?" Mrs. Murdoch asks back.

"I'm good. I'd like you to meet my little brother, Bobby." Tyler says, putting his arm around Bobby. "He's in your first period."

"Wonderful! I can't wait to teach another bright, little Mackenzie!" Mrs. Murdoch says excitedly.

"But, uh...there's something you need to know about him. I'm going around and telling all his teachers." Tyler says, suddenly serious.

"What is it?" Mrs. Murdoch asks, now matching his seriousness.

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