Sweet Dreams (Kalanthony, Iancorn)

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Sweet Dreams - Eurythmics

Kalanthony, Iancorn

Anthony sat up straight in a panicked sweat, gasping for air. Kalel stirred but didn’t wake. He got up and went downstairs to get water.


“David?” He frowned, “What are you doing down here?”

“Ian and I fought.” He said softy, “It’s not my house so I figured I’d take the couch. I’m surprised you didn’t hear it. We were yelling.”

“I could hear it.” Anthony said.

David looked down.

“Look, David. No offense, but I know Ian better than you.” Anthony started, “Go back upstairs. He’ll want you with him. He’s probably freaking out more now than he is when you guys fought.”

David shrugged, “Maybe.”

Anthony filled up a glass with water and headed for the stairs, “He’ll want you to, I promise.”

With that, Anthony walked upstairs.

“What happened?” Kalel asked as if she had just woken up.

“Nightmare.” He said, drinking some water and getting back in bed, “No big deal.”

“What took you so long?”

“David’s on the couch.” Anthony shrugged, “I stopped to talk to him for a bit.”

“Is it because of the fight?”

Anthony nodded.

“I’m sorry.” Kalel frowned, “This is all my fault. I shouldn’t have taken him out like that.”

“It’s not your fault. You just wanted to spend some quality time with him while we were filming. You just didn’t expect Ian to freak out and accuse you of trying to get David to cheat on him.” Anthony held her hands, “Ian’s just always been a jealous little bitch, don’t worry.”

Kalel nodded, “So how was your nightmare?”

“Wonderful.” Anthony said sarcastically.

“What happened?”


“Come on, Anthony. Tell me.”

“Nothing happened.” Anthony frowned, “Literally. It was just an eerie sound and darkness. I could feel that I was there, and I was just feeling around for nothing.”

“An eerie sound?”

“Like....a kind of music. Avant-garde. Ahead of it’s time. Freaking, instrumental, avant-garde music. The kind of stuff David listens to.”

“David doesn’t listen to freaky instrumental music.” Kalel frowned, “You know that 80% of what he listens to is the Beastie Boys, right?”

“And the other 20% is avant-garde.”

“But that’s really cool. He’s the most intellectually advanced of all of us.”

“He’s also the oldest-Why are we talking about him? We’re supposed to be discussing my dream.”

Kalel smiled, “Tell me more about it.”

Anthony did, and when he was done, he felt much better.

Ian rolled over, away from the door that had remained shut until this point. David wasn’t coming back up. He knew it. He was screwed. David probably wanted to break it off now. Ian shouldn’t have gotten upset. Kalel was happy with Anthony; there was no way she wanted to be with David. She only wanted to have a bit of fun with a friend by going to dinner. Ian just couldn’t stand the thought of someone else being with him. He should’ve known it was just a friendly thing. After all, he and Anthony had cancelled date night because they had to stay late filming.

He closed his eyes, trying to get to sleep, which is what he had been doing for the past several hours. He hadn’t been able to. It wasn’t insomnia or that he was hyped up on something, he just couldn’t sleep. He felt empty.

The door creaked open and Ian turned to face it, “David?”

“Ian.” He nodded once, shutting the door behind him and climbing into bed, “I’m sorry.”

“No, you were just having fun.” Ian rolled on his side to face David, “I’m the one who should be sorry.”

“I should’ve told you Kalel and I were going for dinner.”

“We had to cancel on you, and you guys didn’t want to let the reservations go to waste. It only makes sense. You guys are going to be a big ship now. You might have to explain that in a video soon.”

“Actually, Kalel vlogged it. She explained that Anthony had to cancel and that she had been meaning to spend more time with me, so she invited me instead so it wouldn’t be money thrown out the door.” David shrugged, “She said that we’d edit and post it tomorrow.”

Ian nodded, “I’m sorry for getting jealous. I was just worried that you weren’t feeling anything towards me anymore and that’s why you went.”

David smiled and kissed Ian’s forehead, “I don’t think there’s going to be a time when I don’t feel anything for you.”

Ian turned red, “Stop that.”

David chuckled and looked at him, “You know I love you, right?”

“Of course I do.”

“Even when we fight.”

“Why’d you come back up here?”

“Honestly, I was too scared to, but I had a little helpful inspiration.” David admitted, “Anthony told me that you would want me up here.”

Ian smiled, “Well, thank you for believing him.”

“You didn’t send him down to get me, did you?”

Ian shook his head, “No, but I’m glad he’s that kind of friend. I owe him big time.”

David smiled and buried his face in Ian’s neck, “You owe me too. The couch is uncomfortable.”

“I’ll pay you back tomorrow night.” Ian smiled, “I’m too tired now.”

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