The Challengers (Marhinki, Iancorn)

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The Challengers - New Pornographers

Marhinki, Iancorn

“David, calm down.” Matt laughed, biting into his bagel.

“How am I supposed to calm down? We didn’t clean up and everyone is coming over tonight!” He frowned.

“You’re so pretentious.” Matt rolled his eyes.

“Shut up.” He groaned, pushing dozens of plastic cups into the sink, “Aren’t you worried about what people think of our house?”

He shrugged, “Only Mari.”

David froze, “You still haven’t asked her out yet?”

“Look who’s talking.”

“Hey! That is a completely different situation and you know it.” David frowned.

“How is that any different?”

“Because....because Ian is a guy. Plus he has a girlfriend, doesn’t he?”

“They broke up like a month ago.”

David turned to him, “And you didn’t tell me? I could’ve gone over there and comforted him and in his sadness he could’ve fucked me!”

“Could you go a day without mentioning sex with Ian?” Matt grinned.

“I blame you for my sex drive.” David opened the fridge to look for food.

“You blame me?” Matt faked shock, “Why? It can’t possible be because I tease you about it every day since you won’t shut up about it.”

David rolled his eyes.

“Just ask him out already.”

“I’ll make you a deal. The day you ask Mari out is the day I’ll ask Ian out.” David grinned, knowing that would most likely never have to happen and he could live with his not so secret crush on Ian forever.

Matt nodded, “Fair enough.”

All day, Matt was anxious about seeing Mari. When she came over almost half an hour early, dressed casually, he realized everything would be okay. She was cool with everything.

“How do I look?” David frowned.

“Totally fuckable.” Mari laughed.

He made a face, “I don’t want your opinion, woman.”

“Oh, so it’s because I’m a woman?”

“It’s because he needs to make an impression on a certain beardy comedian tonight.” Matt whispered.

Mari laughed.

“I heard that.” David pointed at him.

“You look fine.” Matt said honestly, “I mean it. You look nice.”

David seemed satisfied with that, “Good.”

He sat with them on the couch.

“David, I think the toilet’s broken in the back of the house.” Matt said.

He got up immediately and went back.

“Is it really?” Mari grinned.

“He needs to get his mind off things until the party actually starts.” Matt shrugged, “Plus I wanted him to leave us alone before he brings up Ian again.”

Mari laughed, “Fair enough.”

Everyone else arrived and David came back out.

“Matt, what the fuck are you talking about? The toilet is fine....” He slowly stopped talking when he saw Ian.

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