Throw Her In Parts & Services

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As the clock striked 12 am at Freddy Fazebears Pizzeria, many haunted animatronics awaited for the main lights to turn off. When they did, the time to strike a bolt of revenge was here. From all different locations and stories, animatronics were put in parts and services or used as tools. Golden Freddy let out the signal to strike fear into the guard that killed thier inner souls. There were all different animatronics, some even half human. But no puppet. The next morning at 6 am , the manager threw an unusual animatronic on the floor and yelled, "Put it in parts and services right now!!!" The animatronic was clearly half human, for it was crying silently. They noticed she was really small and had an unusual face. It was tattooed . Her name was the Marrionette. Golden Freddy took an unusual instantaneous liking to the little thing.   He scooped her up and instantly teleporeted his colossal body and her little body into his blocked off room .  She could understand the language of the animatronics. He just let her weep into his unusually soft fur. Eventually she drifted off into sleep. He watched her sleep then went into silent mode.

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