Chapter One: Welcome

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Just a few more turns and we'll be in our class. We started running. You do not want to be late for class in Spooksburg Central School. We turned another corner just as the scaly black dragon roared. The bell. It opened it's big scaly mouth and breathed green fire towards us. I pulled a kid behind the lockers and the others followed suit. The emerald green fire brushed past us, nearly singing my awesome red hair.

"Well we're late," said Ash. "Yeah, no witch Sherlock," said Erika. We ran out behind the lockers and slid under the dragon feeling it's warmth. Maybe the teacher won't know, I thought. But I walked into the classroom with my three friends behind me. The teacher, Mrs. Spider, is a widow. Well more like a Black Widow because she ate her last husband. "You're late!" She pointed to us with three of her hands, a few to spare.

 "You know what happens to late students don't you?" She smiled like she enjoyed punishing students. "They wear the death cap."

She walked to the end of the massive classroom using the ceiling so no one was in her way and pulled a cone shaped hat with wicked teeth and rotting flesh. She pulled out three more. She placed them on our heads and as soon as she did, they screamed. Only we could hear it, because they were on our heads, but it was deafening. You could feel the spiders and cockroaches crawl around your head, digging into the flesh of our scalps. Crimson colored liquid began to trickle from the hat, my blood. I was used to pain, there wasn't a soul dead or alive who wasn't used to pain. "As for you Mr. Morehouse, that's your third late I believe?" said the teacher. "Yes Ma'am" I replied. "You know where to go then after class don't you?"she paged. "Yes Ma'am", I said again. "Good. Enjoy death-tention Zopher".

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