Chapter Two: Clowns

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After class we walked through the building listening to "This is Halloween" blaring through the loudspeaker. "Don't worry, Zopher we'll get you out of death-tention. I just have to run home and grab the dynamite." Cruz said. "Don't blow up too big of a hole this time all right Cruz?" I told her. She reluctantly agreed. We reached a spot in the building where the corridors separated into two. I went left, and my friends went right.


Death-tention was a small room with spikes on each side. If I didn't do my work fast enough, the walls would begin to close. I got out my work, staring at the blood from previous students and began my work. What is the easiest way to decapitate a scissor hand monster. I thought for a while. Then the walls began to move.You can't, it'll grow back I thought. Just then a blast came from my right side. Then came two more and a big hole appeared with Cruz and the others standing behind. Cruz held a small pumpkin with green flames coming out of it. Dynamite. For once I was glad she had a fetish with explosives.

"Let's get out of here, I hate this place," I said. We walked out passing some ghosts of the previous death-tention students. "What time is it?" asked Ash. Erika looked up at the moon. "Probably five-fifty." He said. Oh no. Not that. "Well, we better run if we want to get home." Cruz grumbled. "Cruz did you remember your knife? Cause last time you forgot it and the zombies almost chewed your arm off,"I said. "Yeah I did, thanks for reminding me," she replied sarcastically.

"Guys I think we should go to the hangout until morning." I said, "we don't want to run into the undead." It was a few blocks away. On top of a hill you could see the old abandoned carnival. When we reached it, it was six-o'clock. We started running. We reached the prize booth, our reinforced hideout. As we watched the town we saw it slowly come to life. The cemeteries that surrounded the town were moving. We watched, as the dead came to life. 

They rose up from the ground and they swarmed the streets. Hordes of them. All searching for some poor individual who hadn't made it to a house. They started to feast on the unlucky victims, and we heard the screams that carried up the hill. This place wasn't safe, then again no place is safe in Halloween town. The clowns would walk around the carnival searching for people to murder. But we didn't watch that, we watched the view. "I'll never get over this town,"said Ash.

 That's when we heard the screams. Shrieks of terror coming from behind us. Erika ran over and checked the little hole in the door. A black-haired kid, probably my age, twelve, was running. But from what? Then we heard the laughter. Clowns. "I am the clown with the tear away face!"shouted one. "I am the clown with the bloody mallet!"screamed another. "I am the clown with the cut up smile!" screamed the third. "We are the killer clowns!" they cried in unison.

I ran out with my knife drawn, determined to save that kid.I kicked the first clown in the face. And true to his word, his face came off. I could now see the bony skull. He laughed and lurched out to rip me to shreds with his teeth.

 I ducked, and swung at him with my knife. It struck him, and green blood oozed out of him. He just laughed. I looked at the kid and told him to run. He didn't question me. We ran with Erika, Cruz, and Ash behind us as backup. We ran until we couldn't run anymore. But we forgot one thing. Zombies. Millions of them all turned towards us. "My house! let's go!" I shouted. As we headed down the street we passed a horde of zombies about to eat a kid. He had black hair and normally had a goofy grin on his face. Ethan. "We have to help him!" Erika said. I nodded. We ran towards him, cutting down every zombie we saw. One yard to go...I thought. Then I heard a scream to my left. I turned, and saw Ash cornered. I ran and jumped, landing on one of the zombies. I repeatedly stabbed it in the eye, making sure the blade went into it's brain. Then I kicked the other with my steel toe shoes. There was a crunch and the zombie fell."Thanks," Ash said. We turned towards Ethan. And we started running. That's all this town is, I thought, running away to the next surprise that's around every corner. But we were too late. I watched in horror, no not horror, I was used to that, as one of the undead reached out and bit Ethan's flesh off. There was a scream, but only for a moment. Another one of my friends dead. "Let's go, it's too late for him!" I yelled. So we ran up the block dodging the dead and reached my house. I tried to open the door but it was locked. "Mom, let us in!!"I screamed. There were a few fast clicks and the door opened. We rushed inside and slammed the door behind us.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18, 2017 ⏰

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