Prolouge: Rome's Idea

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"Those boys" Britannia said, sitting down with a sigh. Rome looked up from his book at this action "I swear every time I check on them Scotland is off wishing they loved him and Wales is lonely and northern Ireland is being a grumpy asshole and England is being grumpy and broken at the same time. I am this close to going down there and making them read their own diaries to each other"

"That might not be a bad idea" Rome said, placing his book on the table next to him and grinning "so we all wish the current nations and prussia-"


"Sorry Germania, we all wish they would learn about each other right?"

"I suppose so" Scandinavia smiled, braiding her hair over her shoulder "I mean honestly if someone would just tell Norway with authority that Denmark means it when he says he loves him so much could be fixed"

"And Matthew really needs someone to notice him" Native America chipped in with a smile.

"Exactly!" Rome smiled with his usual show of excitement "So I say we write a book, with a selection of their diary entries and a few observations thrown in there, we put it in one of their meetings and make them read it aloud"

"I don't know" Ancient Greece sighed, twirling her hair around her finger "a little mean isn't it"

"But I think it will work" Holy Rome chipped in, soon being pulled off the back of Germania's chair to his knee.

"Then let's do it already" Ancient Celts sighed, running a hand through his hair with boredom.

So the next 2 hours were spent on writing the book. They agreed that if anyone felt that the entries needed to be in the book it would be added so by the end it was quite large.

"Well should we send it down?" Britannia asked and the others nodded as Rome put his hand on top of the finished book and it began to glow.

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