Chapter Two: The Girls

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England was cooking, with France observing closely. England was making food and he had put headphones in to forget his audience. An audience that grew a lot as he carried on. he was a lot better at this then they had given him credit for.

England put all the food on a trolley and carried it through to the meeting room where everyone was sitting on blankets and sleeping bags found in a cupboard.

"Iggy this looks good!" America exclaimed excitedly.

"Okay truth or dare" Belgium said, clapping her hands together. Most of the girls groaned and the boys agreed, Hungary looked like she was gonna die.

"Truth or dare more like preform a strange sexual act or tell me who you like" Seychelles muttered and France nearly dropped his plate and spluttered "What? I come to these too"

"Moving swiftly on" Hungary sighed, looking at Seychelles stuff her face with food "Belarus Truth or Dare"

"Dare" Belarus grinned in a way that baffled Russia as of how the girls were not cowering.

"Hungary this better be good" Ireland said with a grin, putting her brothers in a similar situation to Russia.

"Okay I dare you to steal a coaster" Hungary smiled and Belarus laughed

"Easy" She grinned

"You didn't let me finish" Hungary laughed mischievously "Steal a coaster from England's boss" England spat tea all over Wales

"Do you even know the security at Number 10?" England said with a splutter.

"This isn't just a meeting building for us though" Hungary added, mischief in her eyes.

"Her office is on the fifth floor" Ireland grinned and Belarus nodded, leaving to do her thing.

"Ireland why do you know that?" England asked and his sister shrugged

"I looked" Ireland said and England looked a little violated.

Belarus soon returned and handed Hungary a coaster. Hungary nodded and Belarus started.

"T-t-" Belarus stumbled "guys no its my pride"

"You know what you have to say" Sealand said, waving his arms about.

"Truth or dare" she mumbled before gesturing to America. America looked scared.

"Truth" he said and everyone seemed a little surprised, they expected a dare because I'm the hero!

"What? I've played with Canada its become a safety answer" He defended and everyone turned to Canada, he grinned wickedly. Wales looked like he had found his new best friend.

"Okay" Belarus said turning away from the Canadian back to America "...FUCK IT I HATE THIS GAME OKAY BITCHES WE'RE GONNA WATCH ONE OF THOSE AMERICAN HORROR MOVIES, DEAL"

Most of the room (fearing their lives were at stake) agreed. By the end of the movie America was basically hanging off England. Scotland was to the surprise of most people, hiding behind France. Most people were in similar positions, Italy was tearing up.

Belarus, Sealand, Russia and Canada were the only ones unmoved.

Russia was smiling a little, Belarus had laughed whenever someone died, Sealand just kept muttering cool and Canada has pulled the same content face he pulls when watching sesame street.

After that the sleep was pretty restless for most. But over the night sleeping patterns changed. Its possible America and Russia cuddled which would have made Mothers scream. China and Scotland fell asleep on each others shoulders which was quite frankly terrifying and England somehow managed to fall asleep on America's flag.

The next morning the sun awoke the group, or more, the sun awoke the Micronations and they awoke the group. They sat around the table with different breakfasts and Molossia, who was now around the table, started to read.

"Its- shit why me" Molossia sighed placing his head in the book, Hutt River, who was smiling lightly, took the book from under Molossia's head and began to read

"Dear diary, how does seb even have that much energy? he's like three springer spaniels in a teenage boy" a malicious smile spread across Hutt River's face and Molossia hid in his leather jacket "its cute though and I'm not sure when that became my opinion"

"You-" Seborga was blushing quite heavily "You think its cute?"

"I mean yeah" Molossia said avoiding eye contact. Hutt River looked at the next post and opened his eyes quite wide before carrying on.

"Iceland genuinely thinks the Nordics only hang out with him because of political obligation" Hutt River smiled at Iceland who was now being crushed in a Denmark hug.

"Listen" Denmark said with seriousness, so quietly that only Norway and Iceland could hear "You, are freaking great. You can be funny, sarcastic, brilliant and serious, silly and fucking amazing and all those wonderful things about you are why we like to spend time with you because I do not want to spend time with Iceland, I want to spend time with Emil"

"Also I have a duty to beat up anyone who insults you and if you insult yourself I'll be in a dilemma" Norway said, gently embracing Iceland with his subtle smile.

"Thank you" Iceland smiled and felt so much happier as Denmark and Norway sat back down.

"After the Berlin wall fell Prussia became the memory of the Holocaust, he remembers every death" Hutt River said with a frown, before looking over at Prussia.

"Prussia" Austria, to everyone's surprise, spoke up first "Prussia thats- Prussia" his words wouldn't escape, his shock was enough, Prussia felt every day the memory of the deaths, the innocent people who died, the families torn apart. He had felt it. Every piece of it.

Austria was known for keeping composure and he tried, he really did but sometimes its so hard, sometimes its not worth doing. He wrapped his arms around Prussia's neck and hugged him tighter then he had in a very long time, soon followed by Germany, and then Hungary, and then Spain and France.

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2017 ⏰

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