Chapter One: The Book

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Germany was going to burst a vein. Argument's were worse than ever, so loud even Greece had woken up. It had started with and offhand comment from France, retorted to by England and echoed by America. Scotland had asked Canada how often they did this and England had heard, Northern Ireland had sided with Scotland and Wales sided with England. The republic of Ireland had her headphones in but they weren't loud enough not to hear England insult her for having them. Austria had sighed and turned away causing Prussia to laugh at him and Austria to start shouting. Switzerland had whispered some snide comment to Lichtenstein that had made her snort and Austria had ridiculed Switzerland for it. Sweden had said something insanely sarcastic that made the Nordics laugh and Austria made another criticism. It escalated and escalated until Germany seemed to be the only one not shouting or crying as he tried to calm Italy down from tears.

A beam of light shone from the middle of the room. Everyone stopped yelling or crying or glaring and looked in awe at the light.

"C H I L D R E N" a voice echoed making everyone jump and the Italy twins go white.

"Rome you're gonna scare them" a women's voice said "its like a bloody circus"

"Mum?" England mumbled in shock, he looked a lot paler then usual as did his siblings.

"Hello Arthur" Britannia replied, her smile obvious in her voice

"you've all grown so much, except Arthur I think you've shrunk" Ancient Celts grinned, causing (though the Nations in the meeting room couldn't see) Britannia to hit him over the head with a book.

"I can't see vati I can't see" a little boys voice whined and Italy looked up in utter shock

"Holy Rome?" He mumbled and Romano smiled slightly, rubbing Italy's back.

"Hello Italy" he said excitedly and Germania pulled him up so he could see. Germania coughed and the ancients realised they had gotten off track.

"Well the reason we're here is" Gaul coughed and continued, obviously uncomfortable "we believe you are hiding your emotions from each other, and that's not healthy so-"

"Oh have mercy" Scandinavia mumbled "WE MADE A BOOK WITH YOUR DIARY ENTRIES. READ IT" she yelled and then she shrunk as everyone stared at her "also boys hi you've grown so much"

"We will speak at the end" Britannia smiled

"And in person" Native America said calmly "good luck and I'm sorry but you need this"

Just like that, the light was gone. Replaced by a leather bound book, they all looked at it for a moment. Unsure as of what to do, America picked it up and started reading.

"This is England's" America said and England sat up, out of the trance he seemed to be in. After so long on this earth he had written some not so pleasant things in his diary "dear diary, I know its selfish but the reason I don't recognise Sealand as his own nation is because I want to keep him with me as long as possible before he tries to become independent" America paused and looked at England and England nodded for him to finish it "like america did"

"Iggy" he said quietly "Iggy when i-" he paused, thinking of how to say it "when I did what I did I wasn't trying to hurt you, I was leaving England. Not Arthur"

"Thank you" England smiled lightly, in the calmest state anyone had seen him in a very long time. Canada looked up at them with a mild amount of anger, she had met and spoken to the micronations and they were so ignored and lonely. He didn't want the others to forget them. but America continued, ignorant to Canada's upset state.

"Seborga?" He asked quietly, looking around, sure enough the micronations were in the corner, ignoring the other nations in their own conversation. The Italy twins looked up suddenly, nervous. "Dear Diary, I Don't really want independence. The other nations seem so upset and angry about everything, they've hurt each other and themselves and I don't want that to happen to us. I'm scared of the future why can't we just stay like this" America finished and looked up to see Seborga looking up, wide eyed. Italy was the first to stand up, he rushed over to his younger brother and smashed into him, hugging him. Seborga barely took it and both Hutt River and Molossia had to stumble as not to get squashed.

"Bastard" Romano mumbled, wandering over and joining the hug.

"Listen" Italy whispered so the rest of the room could not hear "I dont know how this happened to us, but I've seen your group and if you stay as kind as that you will do so much better then us"

"Sì" Romano agreed in the same quiet tone "it was anger and ruthlessness that overturned us and you are all so much kinder then that"

The Italy twins soon after returned to their seats, looking a lot happier. America continued with the book.

"This is a statement? I guess that's here too" he said more to himself then anything "England can in fact cook, he's just afraid no one likes his food so he messes up in a panic"

"oh my god what" Scotland mumbled over dramatically, pretending to faint.

"Wanker" England muttered "you've known me my whole life, you knew"

"No- yeah I knew" Scotland laughed and France pushed him in the face

"Later" he muttered "Angleterre you can cook?"

"I mean I think I don't know" England muttered and France glared

"Okay I'm testing you" he muttered "later, be there"

"Well we have all been very busy. Everyone to bed and we will carry on in the morning" Germany said and America smiled, placing the book on the table.

"But doitsu!" Italy put his hand up "we're at the meeting hall, where will we sleep"

"SLUMBER PARTY. FRANCE I TRUST YOU ON NAIL POLISH" America yelled, making everyone jump. France, Spain and Prussia each held up make-up bags "wanna be surprised but I'm just not"

What's this updates to a book? No way!

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